I had saw something on HBO Max that gave me the idea. But they had created holiday playlists for a few popular shows, Friends and Big Bang Theory and a few others. So it gave me the idea to do the same thing with plex. I haven't implemented it yet, but just in case anyone else wanted to. Here are a few websites that might be helpful.

You are the most generous woman on the internet! Thank you for always inspiring me to share my talents with others. I am LOVING this playlist! It has brought so much happiness to my heart as I have been working and listening. Grateful for you.

Free Christmas Playlist Download

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Growing up my Dad was the Kelle Hampton of all things Christmas and he passed that trait on to me and in turn I have passed it onto my kids. We had vaulted ceilings in our house back in the 80ies and he would drive around to every Christmas tree lot within a 50 mile radius to find at tree no shorter than at least 16 feet. And on decorating night it was a family affair with appetizers to match such a festive occasion. And then there was the music. All played on our turn table and each record played in a certain order.

My Dad died 26 years ago at the end of my teen years and Christmas brings back the best bitter sweet memories of him ever. I started listening to your playlist this morning while I house cleaned and your Old School playlist stopped me in my tracks. It was like having my Dad there, standing at the turn table, selecting the best songs for that moment.

You nailed this playlist Kelle, if I close my eyes its like an instant trip back in time. Thank you:)

Title, Writer/Artist/Reader, Album (or source)

The time stamp is the approximate start time of each selection on the continuous playlist file. You can toggle back and forth somewhat to start the playlist in different places on the file, or to continue listening perhaps, to a different segment.

I love your list Jo, so much fun! I am partial to the Tin Lids from when my daughters were young and like an eclectic mix of music at this time of the year. I have a family playlist from all my family of their favourites and we play it on road trips!

This is not a countdown, I like all these pieces for varying reasons and according to the mood I'm in. Some appear on and some disappear off playlists but these tend to stick around near the upper end.

@ChristmasLover1 I agree with @AlyssaPandora you do have a great playlist. I'm listening to it right now, and I have collected some to add to my Christmas playlist. Have a great Christmas a Happy New Year, and a wonderful day. Take care and GOD bless...

Ever wondered what the true spirit of Christmas sounded like? You will finally experience it when you listen to this song. If this song doesn't make you want to hop around town, running in and out of shops, singing to townspeople and animals alike, I'm not sure what to say to you. This song has been on my running playlist for about four years. When I make Half-Marathon and Marathon playlists, this song is on there several times. It will transcend you from regular life into the Christmas - stratosphere.

An encore from 'A Very Decent Christmas', this is another gem to add to your list. 'Nutcracka', 'Twerkith on These Bells', 'Troll the Halls'. Do I even need to say anything else? 'Twerkith on these Bells' will probably make it on to my regular playlist shortly. Troll the Halls has a good beat, be sure to put that one on when you're running up hills or doing some intervals. Totem Night, probably don't play this for Grammy, I actually think it might cause seizures.

Need more help propelling up the side of a mountain? Add 'Joy to the World' to your playlist. How can so many voices all do the same run in unison? It's definitely ok if you start doing fist pumps and hand raises during this song, it's encouraged. REPEAT THE SOUNDING JOY!!!!!!

You had me at 'Muppets'. Its upbeat, the muppets do some singing, you'll probably need to listen to it several times in a row. This song has been on my workout playlists too, it will definitely put you into a jolly holiday mode!

This Summer, the White House launched an official channel on Spotify to share playlists created by members of the White House, as well as playlists curated around events and issues to engage the public. So far, President Obama has shared a couple of his Summer playlists, and the First Lady put together a girl power playlist to celebrate International Day of the Girl.

1. Put all your Christmas music into a playlist. It can be a regular playlist that you drag the songs into. (Or if all your music is accurately tagged with Genre, you can create a Smart Playlist to find the songs.)

2. On December 26, open that playlist, Edit > Select All, and either (a) uncheck all the songs, or (b) Get Info, go to the Options tab, and set them all at once for "Skip When Shuffling." Next year on Thanksgiving, set them back.

So.. I was scheduled to host my very first adult party this weekend, but it fell through at the VERY last minute. As in, 40 minutes before the party was scheduled to start, I had to send out cancellation texts. It turned into a very fun night with a few close friends and I don't have any regrets EXCEPT I didn't get to play my Christmas party playlist.. then I realized I hadn't shared it with you guys!!!

Thank you for years of offering simple solutions, wonderful recipes and clever suggestions. The playlist you created is another tribute to your generosity. May you be blessed with everything you wish for the holiday and New Year! Merry Christmas!!!

Panama: High school weight room psych music and present day pull-ups Comforter. Should try it for writing too. Great playlist! I'd add Living Color, POD, RHCP's, Rage, and what-the-heck, The Carpenters. ?

Listening: Since it\u2019s almost time, the Christmastide playlist from ArtandTheology.org is all queued up and, like their Advent playlist, offers a great base for culling a playlist of your own (as Phillip has done). He\u2019s also enjoyed listening to the first part of Noiser\u2019s new podcast on the original Christmas villain, Herod the Great.

Listening: Andy has been working on this important, transformational playlist that has provided a great boost to his personal writing over the past few weeks. He shares it with you in hopes that it might provide a similar boost to your own creative efforts this holiday season. (Warning: It is mostly AC/DC\u2026 make sure you\u2019ve got your rocking pants on before pressing play.)

I decided to create my playlist on Amazon, if you are a Prime member Prime Music is bundled with your membership for free, and you have access to over two million songs and you should have access to all the songs on my Playlist.

This year for our Christmas playlist, I asked my good friend Steve Carey to curate. The man is such an expert on Christmas-related music that he runs a blog on the subject, called 25 Songs Of Christmas: An Advent Calendar For Your Ear. Go there now! It will crack you up, blow your mind, and get you deep in the Xmas spirit. And then check out the INCREDIBLE playlist he came up with for us:

I am so excited to be sharing this with you all. Be sure to be on the lookout for a few more Holiday playlists coming soon. I have some good ones in mind. And, if you enjoyed this playlist then be sure to follow my profile over on Spotify by clicking here. There you can get first access to my music choices as I build and add to my playlists. Cheers to good music and good memories! 006ab0faaa

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