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It is with pleasure that this online version of Charlotte Mason's six-volume book series is provided for public reading and study. Her own words (below) lead one to believe that she would have wanted the truths she discovered to be shared freely with the public, and it is hoped that her words will inspire all who teach to use her ideas 'for the children's sake.' (This edition of the Charlotte Mason Series, typed by AmblesideOnline volunteers, is copyrighted to AmblesideOnline, and may not be published or re-posted elsewhere. Please refer to our License for more information.)Table of Contents for all six volumesVolume 1 - Home Education

Volume 2 - Parents and Children

Volume 3 - School Education

Volume 4 - Ourselves

Volume 5 - Formation of Character

Volume 6 - Towards A Philosophy of Education

NEW: The Series Arranged Topically (In progress; available only for the Modern English paraphrases)

Charlotte Mason's Homeschool Series in Modern English - a sentence-by-sentence paraphrase of each of Charlotte Mason's six books. Read online, or purchase in paperback.

Summaries of all six volumes - The Reader's Digest version, condensed paragraph by paragraph; perfect to get an overview if you're just starting out.

Summary of CM's 20 Principles - a concise version of the definitives of a CM Education

Summary of CM's Student's motto, "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

In Memoriam - a tribute written by students, co-workers and friends of CharlotteMason on the event of her death in 1923. This book provides a concise synopsis of her methods as well as personal remembrances and insight into her personality.

The Saviour of the World, six volumes of poems by Charlotte Mason based on the New Testament

Purchase all six volumes of the Original Series in a paperback set.

View a scan of a page of the CM Series.

How to Download to Your Kindle for Free

A list of subjects, and where in the series they're discussed, compiled by Melissa Newman

The fresco at the Spanish chapel at Santa Maria Novella, Florence (John Ruskin called this fresco the 'Vaulted Book') is pictured online. Charlotte Mason discusses the top and bottom of one wall in various volumes. The fresco is attributed to Andrea di Bonaiuto da Firenze, a painter of the 1300's, but in CM's day, it was thought to have been done by Taddeo Gaddi and Simone Memmi. Charlotte Mason loved the way it illustrated her concept of the Holy Spirit gifting men with knowledge, even "secular" knowledge.

"It's impossible to get a full idea of what Miss Mason was doingwithout reading volume six - not only is it the volume for the olderkids, it's the last book she wrote - I think some forty years spans thespread between volume one and volume six. Sometimes ideas she had involume one didn't quite work out as she had hoped they would, and bythe time volume six came along she'd refined her ideas a little more,they got a bit more practical. WWI happened between volumes one andsix, and this mattered. Before WWI, Charlotte, in company with many ofthe Imminent Victorians, had a practically messianic view of education- it was going to change human nature, improve it, make human beingsall wise, peacable and just about bring heaven on earth. After WWI,Charlotte Mason's ideas on all this became a little more subdued andrealistic. It's a little sad, but I think it was a healthy change. Ithink a lot of CM popularizers read volume one and promote the ideas inthat book, and people think that's all there is to CM. Even without therefining of Charlotte's ideas that occurs over the decades betweenVolumes one and six, this would be a mistake because volume one saysright up front that it's for children from birth to nine. Volume threeis for the middle grades, and volume six is the book to read for about12 and up. Charlotte did not recommend quite the same approach for allages. Her program for the older kids is, like the rest, wide andgenerous, rich, full of ideas, good literature, art and music, but it'salso very rigorous. By highschool I see a lot more similarities with the classical approach interms of materials used." ~WendiCapehart

Charlotte Mason felt that what she had discovered and found effective was worth sharing for the benefit of all children, not something to be hoarded and held for the benefit of a few. It is in that spirit that we share her books here."It is not that 'we' (of the P.N.E.U.) are persons of peculiar genius; it is that, like Paley's man who found the watch, "we have chanced on a good thing." "No gain that I experience must remain unshared." We feel that the country and indeed the world should have the benefit of educational discoveries..." [Charlotte Mason, A Philosophy of Education, pg 10]

These texts were scanned/typed and proofread by members of the CMSeries email list and AmblesideOnline, and annotated by the AO Advisory and Auxiliary. They are copyrighted to AmblesideOnline, and may not be published or re-posted elsewhere. AmblesideOnline is an online free-use Charlotte Mason curriculum.

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