A substantial direct investment in digital assets may require expensive and sometimes complicated arrangements in connection with the acquisition, security and safekeeping of the digital asset and may involve the payment of substantial acquisition fees from third party facilitators through cash payments of U.S. dollars. Because the value of the Shares is correlated with the value of digital asset(s) held by the Product, it is important to understand the investment attributes of, and the market for, the underlying digital asset. Please consult with your financial professional.

According to his plea agreement, from October 2017 to July 2021, Randol owned and operated a virtual-currency money services business that eventually was known as Digital Coin Strategies LLC. This company offered cryptocurrency-cash exchange services for a commission.

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Randol offered his cryptocurrency exchange services in various ways, including meeting anonymous customers in-person to complete transactions, controlling and operating a network of automated kiosks in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside counties that converted cash to Bitcoin and vice versa, and conducting Bitcoin-for-cash transactions for unknown individuals who mailed large amounts of U.S. currency to him, including to post office boxes that he controlled.

Because Bitcoin Cash is on the internet, they are even easier to steal and much harder to return and trace. Bitcoin Cash itself is secure, but bitcoin are only as secure as the wallet storing them.

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Bitcoin Cash was created by bitcoin miners and developers concerned by the limit of transaction processing time of Bitcoin (BTC). To ensure the ability to scale, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blocks are limited to 8MB while BTC blocks are limited to 1MB.

ChangeNOW provides for all your exchanging needs, even beyond crypto to crypto transactions, allowing you to buy or sell Bitcoin Cash with a bank account or a Visa/Mastercard credit card. This service also does not require signing up even in case of cashing out. With ChangeNOW, you will get the best possible exchange rates, and only the required minimum amount of fees, such as network fees.

Bitcoin cash was priced at $1,233.25 at 6 p.m. ET Monday. While it declined from its $1,300 price the week of May 14, bitcoin cash was still valued significantly higher than its April 17 level of $763.

The crypto market watchers were expecting the most notable digital coin of all, bitcoin, to rally during Blockchain Week New York. Instead, the coin declined about 10 percent, briefly falling below the $8,000 level. Bitcoin, priced around $8,400 Monday at 5:30 p.m. ET, is down about 5 percent in the last month.

For a transaction to be valid, it must be added to a block in the chain. However, this is when a problem arises, a block in the chain has a size limit of 1 mb and there are only so many transactions that can go at once. This was manageable before, but then something happened which made this a huge problem, bitcoin became famous!

As you can see, the number of monthly transactions is only increasing and with the current 1mb block size limit, bitcoin can only handle 4.4 transactions per second. When bitcoin was first created, the developers put the 1mb size limit by design because they wanted to cut down on the spam transactions which may clog up the entire bitcoin network.

However, for any major changes to happen in bitcoin, the system needs to come to a consensus. So, how does a decentralized economy come to an agreement upon anything? Right now the two biggest ways that is achieved are:

The BIP 148 is a user activated soft fork i.e. a soft fork that has been activated by the users. What it states is that all the full nodes in the bitcoin networks will reject any and all blocks that are being created without segwit ingrained in it. The idea is to motivate the miners to put segwit activation in the blocks that they mine for it to be part of the system.

Bitcoin cash has a set rule as to when it decreases its difficulty. Before we see the rule it is important to understand what Median Time Past (MTP) is. It is the median of the last 11 blocks that have been mined in a blockchain. Basically, line up the last 11 blocks one after another and the time at which the middle block is mined is the median time past of the set. The MTP helps us determine the time at which future blocks can be mined as well. Here is a chart of the MTP of various blocks:

So, this is the rule for difficulty adjustment in bitcoin cash: If the Median Time Past of the current block and the Median Time Past of 6 blocks before is greater than 12 hours then the difficulty reduces by 20% i.e. it becomes 20% easier for miners to find newer blocks. This gives the miners some power to adjust difficulty, eg. checkout the 13-hour gap between blocks 478570 and 478571. The miners may have simply been doing this to make the blocks easier to mine.

The difficulty rate adjusts according to the amount of miners in the system. If there are less miners, then the difficulty rate goes down because the overall hashing power of the system goes down. When bitcoin cash first started it was struggling a bit to get miners, as a result its difficulty dropped down drastically. This in turn attracted a lot of miners who found the opportunity to be very lucrative. This caused an exodus of miners from BTC so much so that the hashing power of BTC halved, decreasing the transaction time and increasing the fees. Reports on social media stated that BTC transaction were taking hours and even days to complete. Here is the graph that shows the drop in hash rate of BTC:

About BitPay 

Founded in 2011, BitPay is the pioneer and the most experienced company in bitcoin and blockchain payments. Its suite of products enables businesses to send and receive cross border payments, also enabling consumers to manage digital assets with the BitPay Wallet and turn digital assets into dollars with the BitPay Prepaid Visa Card. The company has offices in North America, Europe, and South America and has raised over $70 million from leading investors including Founders Fund, Index Ventures and Aquiline Technology Growth. For more information visit

La connexion du BCH au bitcoin (BTC) semble s'affaiblir. Alors que le Bitcoin retrouve des prix flirtant avec les records ultimes, le BCH stagne vers ses totaux les plus bas de 2021. Le BTC a t boost par le lancement par ProShares de son fond d'change en bourse (ETF)  la mi-octobre lorsque les altcoins ont eu, ralenti.

Alors, qu'est-ce que le bitcoin cash et comment diffre-t-il du bitcoin et du bitcoin gold (BTG) ? La rcente chute est-elle une opportunit pour acheter la cryptomonnaie avant une tendance  la hausse ou faut-il s'attendre  une nouvelle chute du prix dans le futur ?

Le bitcoin cash est une hard fork, ou un driv de la blockchain Bitcoin qui est apparu le 1er aot 2017. La sparation est intervenue car la communaut du Bitcoin ne trouvait pas de terrain d'entente sur une proposition visant  augmenter la capacit du rseau afin d'autoriser plus de transactions.

Le bitcoin cash a un but diffrent que celui du bitcoin gold, lanc en octobre 2017 et se concentrant pour sa part, sur la restauration des minages dcentraliss aprs qu'il soit devenu domin par les grandes fermes de minage. BCH vise les espces lectroniques en peer-to-peer - simple et rapide  utiliser avec de faibles cots pour envoyer de l'argent globalement. Les faibles cots de transaction autorisent les micro-transactions, comme le pourboire des crateurs de contenu et la rcompense des utilisateurs avec de faibles sommes d'argent.

Il y avait une hard fork de bitcoin cash en novembre 2018 avec les dsaccords continuant d'alimenter au sein de la communaut sur la taille maximale des blocks pour les transactions, rsultant alors dans la cration de bitcoin SV (BSV). La limite de taille de block est adapte et peut s'adapter selon le march. En aot, la taille maximale du block a augment d'1GB  2GB  partir du 18 aot - faisant de celui-ci le plus grand block jamais min sur une blockchain publique jusqu' prsent.

Le prix du bitcoin cash est mont le 6 septembre,  un maximum journalier de 801,49$, son plus haut total depuis mai quand les cryptomonnaies ont cltur leur grande avance. Alors que le bitcoin passait un record au-del de 64 000$ en avril, BCH passait  1635,15$ le 16 mai, bien en de de son record de 4,355,62 connu en dcembre 2017 lors de la prcdente avance des cryptomonnaies.

Plus tard en octobre, un fournisseur majeur de ETFs a lanc le premier service li au bitcoin aux Etats-Unis. Appel Pro Shares Bitcoin Strategy EFT (BITO), il offre aux investisseurs l'opportunit de retrouver leur bitcoin  travers un compte de courtage. BITO peut tre achet et vendu comme une action et, selon l'entreprise, "limine le besoin d'un compte sur une plateforme d'changes cryptomonnaies et d'un portefeuille crypto".

La prvision de Price Prediction pour le bitcoin cash est la plus haussire, laissant entendre que la pice a le potentiel pour grimper  une moyenne de 598,5$ en 2021,  2693$ en 2025 et par la suite  un prix moyen de 17 439$ d'ici 2030.

Il y a des pour et des contre pour l'investissement dans le bitcoin et le bitcoin cash. Le bitcoin est considr comme la plus grande cryptomonnaie au monde, quand le bitcoin offre une alternative qui a le potentiel pour grandir. Vous devriez effectuer vos propres recherches pour dcider quelle pice est, dans le cas chant, la mieux adapte  votre style d'investissement. 2351a5e196

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