Frédéric Bousefsaf, PhD

Associate Professor

University of Lorraine


7 rue Marconi, 57070 Metz , France

I am an associate professor in the Laboratory of Design, Optimization and Modelling of Systems (LCOMS), which is part of the Université de Lorraine. I lead the ISHM Master (human-machine engineering) since the 2024/2025 academic year.

Before joining the LCOMS, I spent two years (2016 and 2017) as a postdoctoral researcher at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA LIST, Paris-Saclay, France) and one year (2015) at the Université de Lorraine as a research and teaching assistant.

I received the BSc degree in electronics and computer engineering from Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy, France) in 2008 and the BSc and MSc degrees in cybernetics and computer vision from Université Paul Verlaine (Metz, France) in 2009 and 2011 respectively. I pursued and received the PhD degree in image and signal processing from Université de Lorraine in 2014 under supervision of Pr. Alain Pruski and Pr. Choubeila Maaoui.

The results from my research are behind the establishment of i-Virtual. Created by Alain Pruski, the company develops Caducy, an e-health solution for measuring vital parameters from video recordings.

Research areas

My research interests include biomedical engineering, affective computing, image processing and artificial intelligence.


New biomarkers of mobility - MAIF foundation - 01/11/2023➞01/11/2025

The main objective consists in developing a technological solution based on virtual reality that allows the collection and identification of various fall risk indicators. 

ANR Wound-rPPG - ANR - 01/11/2024➞01/11/2028

The project focuses on developing a novel deep-learning-based methodology for spatially resolved rPPG imaging from video recordings of tissues. 

Selected Publications

T. Desquins, F. Bousefsaf, A. Pruski, C. Maaoui

Applied Sciences (2022)

H. Belfilali, F. Bousefsaf, M. Messadi 

Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (2022)

F. Bousefsaf, D. Djeldjli, Y. Ouzar, C. Maaoui, A. Pruski

Computers in Biology and Medicine (2021)

Link to the GitHub repository

D. Djeldjli, F. Bousefsaf, C. Maaoui, F. Bereksi-Reguig, A. Pruski

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2021)

F. Bousefsaf, M. Tamaazousti, S. Hadj Said, R. Michel

IET Image Processing (2018)

M. Badeche, F. Bousefsaf, A. Moussaoui, M. Benmohammed, A. Pruski

International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (2018)

F. Bousefsaf, C. Maaoui, A. Pruski

Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (2017)

Link to the GitHub repository

F. Bousefsaf, C. Maaoui, A. Pruski

Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering (2016)

C. Maaoui, F. Bousefsaf, A. Pruski

Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (2016)

F. Bousefsaf, C. Maaoui, A. Pruski

Computers in Biology and Medicine (2014)

PhD Thesis

Frédéric Bousefsaf

Defended on November 26th 2014 at the University of Lorraine

Supervisors: Alain Pruski and Choubeila Maaoui


F. Bousefsaf, M. Tamaazousti, S. Hadj Said, R. Michel 

Method for calculating a global descriptor of an image

F. Bousefsaf, M. Tamaazousti, R. Michel


Programming language

Visual Basic, C++ and C#

Java and Java for mobile OS (Android)

Python and Matlab 


Software framework and library


TensorFlow and Keras


Windows Forms and WPF

GUIDE (Matlab)

Resources freely available here. Contact me by email for the password.


Threads, Mutex and Semaphores

Resources freely available here. Contact me by email for the password.

Industrial Supervision




Resources freely available here. Contact me by email for the password.

Image processing

Human and Computer Vision

Camera and image sensor basics

Color spaces 

2D Fourier Transform and Watershed

Local Binary Patterns

Resources freely available here. Contact me by email for the password.

Modeling and prediction of human behavior


Facial Expression Recognition

Affective Computing

Resources freely available here. Contact me by email for the password.

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Resources freely available here (M1) and here (M2). Contact me by email for the password.