
Franck FOTSO, MSc. 

Software Developer | Machine & Deep Learning Engineer

Teesside University - UK

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Franck is an AI Application Developer  and  *KTP Associate within the School of Computing, Engineering & Digital Technologies at Teesside University. With a robust foundation in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Franck has over 6 years experience in these domains, coupled with over 8 years in Software Engineering, Data Engineering, and Cloud Technologies.

His research and profesional pursuits encompass several interets, notably in 3D perception, 3D imaging, and Machine Learning. Franck specialises in deploying Deep Learning techniques across various Computer Vision applications, including object detection, face recognition and verification, image segementation, image retrieval and scene change detection. Additionnally, his work extends to be development of Digital Twin environments that power Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS), providing rapid and accurate insights to facilitate decision-making processes.

*KTP = Knowledge Transfer Partnership


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