Labor Economics

(joint with Roland Rathelot)

Taxi pour noctambules (2014) by Marabout inspired from Edward Hopper, Nighthawks (1942)  



Surveys on search (and matching)

General audience ressources on search (and matching)

Contents - Slides & Additional documents/resources

Lecture 1 : Job Search

Slides [pdf] [Handout #1]

Additional materials: 


1.                      Labor Economics (chap. 5)

2.                      Krueger and Mueller, Job Search and Unemployment Insurance: New Evidence from Time Use Data, Journal of Public Economics, 2010. (*)

3.                         Hall and Kudlyak, The Unemployed with Jobs and without Jobs, Labour Economics, 2022. (*)

4.             Fujita and Moscarini, Recall and Unemployment, American Economic Review, 2017.

Note: References with (*) are mandatory readings

Matlab code [zip]

Lecture 2 : Job Search (extension and deepening)

Slides [pdf] [Handout #2]

Additional materials:

Note: References with (*) are mandatory readings

Matlab code [zip]

Lecture 3 : Equilibrium Search Models

Slides [pdf]

Additional materials: 


Note: References with (*) are mandatory readings

Lecture 4 : Equilibrium Unemployment Theory

Slides [pdf]

Additional materials: 


Note: References with (*) are mandatory readings

Lecture 5 : Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (extension and deepening)

Slides [pdf] [Handout #3]

Additional materials: 


Note: References with (*) are mandatory readings

Annals (Years 2020 to 2022)