Welcome to my Web site!

I am a Professor at the Department of Economics at Universidad del Pacífico, director of the Universidad del Pacífico's Experimental Economics Lab (E2LabUP), and Research Associate at the Universidad del Pacifico Research Center (CIUP).  

My research focuses on applied development microeconomics (using non-experimental and experimental data) and my teaching interests are in the microeconomics area (theoretical and applied). I obtained a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison

I am member of the Laboratorio de Economía Experimental de Lima (LEEL) and co-organizer of the Workshop of Experimental and Behavioral Economics of the Americas (WEBEAS) . 

Visit my Google Scholar Page & my RePEc Page.

Curriculum Vitae .

Contact Information

Universidad del Pacífico, Jr. Gral. Sánchez Cerro 2141, Jesús María, Lima, Perú

E-mail: galarza_fb [at] up [dot] edu [dot] pe