Francisco Martinez Figueroa
Postdoctoral Scholar - University of South Florida.
About Me
I am currently a PostDoctoral researcher at the University of South Florida (USF), working under the mentorship of Professor Natasha Jonoska. I'm also part of the Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB), in which we collaborate with the biology team of Professor Francesca Storici at Georgia Tech.
I obtained my PhD from The Ohio State University (OSU) in 2022, working under the supervision of Matthew Kahle. My PhD dissertation work lies in the intersection of Topology, Probability and Graph Theory. My Erdős number is 2.
See my research below and my LinkedIn profile. Contact me at fmartinezfigueroa at the email domain
Research Interests
Topological Combinatorics.
Random Graphs.
Chromatic number of distance graphs.
Topological Data Analysis.
Machine Learning.
Applications to Biology.
with Kahle, M, and F, Soifer, A. 2020. “A Square-Grid Coloring Problem”. Geombinatorics 29 (2019-2020), no. 4, 167-185. arXiv:2004.10192
with Kahle, M, 2020. “The chromatic number of random Borsuk graphs”. Random Structures and Algorithms. 56: 838– 850. arXiv:1901.08488
"Generalized Borsuk Graphs". 2021. (submitted). arXiv:2110.06453
with Fadnavis, S. and Kahle, M. "Warmth and mobility of random graphs." 2021. (revised in 2021 and submitted). arXiv:1009.0792.
"Optimal Discrete Morse Theory Simplification (Expository Survey)". 2018. arXiv:2111.05774
Data Science BootCamp Projects
Comparing World Bank loan impacts across sector.
May 2021, The Erdős Institute Bootcamp. (Top Project)
Teaching Associate
The Erdős Institute : (Fall 2021) Ad honorem Teaching Assistant providing support to participants during live data science problem-solving sessions.
The Ohio State University: (2017-Present) Leading recitation sections and holding office hours for the courses of Precalculus, Calculus I and Calculus II.
Del Valle de Guatemala University: (2012-2014) Teaching assistant for Precalculus, Calculus I and III, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and Logic.
Directed Reading Program at OSU
Acted as graduate mentor paired with undergraduate students doing a semester-long reading project in mathematics. Spring 2021 (Algorithms and Cryptography), Fall 2019 (Graph Theory).
Online MiniCourse
"Mathematical Software for Teaching: Geogebra and Sage." -Francisco Marroquin University (Guatemala).
Designed and taught a 15 hour online minicourse on using the software of Geogebra and Sage to solve undergraduate level problems in engineering and its implementation in the classroom.
Mathematical Olympiads (in Guatemala)
(2011-2015) Served as an instructor ad honorem training the Guatemalan Team that participated in the International Mathematics Olympiad for high schoolers, teaching Combinatorics and Functional Equations. Participated as team leader for the Guatemalan Team in 2012.