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ECTS Credits

The ECTS credit system

The ECTS credit system (European Credit transfer and accumulation system) is meant to mark out the study programmes in Higher Education in Europe.

It is an essential tool in the Bologna process.

The credits represent an estimated workload for the student to reach the learning goals defined by the courses or programmes.

Within the students’ mobility, the ECTS system, developped by the European Community, enables a transparency of the learning outcomes which are academically recognized and therefore transferrable from one institution to another .

The system can be applied to any kind of student (full-time, part-time or lifelong, … learning) and can be used for different teaching programmes, even online courses.

The student is in the centre of the learning process, that means that he controls his learning programme and chooses the courses or modules (Course Units) that are more convenient for him.

The ECTS users’ guide, implemented by the European Commission gives all the necessary information about the system.

Practically, in our Institute organized by "la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles":

  • One credit represents for the student 30 learning hours (courses, practical work, pedagogical visits, personal works, evaluations, …)
  • One classical academic year is based on 60 credits (with some adjustments specific to "Enseignement de Promotion sociale")
  • One bachelor counts at least 180 credits
  • Teaching is modular : each Course Unit (or module)
      • corresponds to a given number of credits
      • contains different learning activities (courses, practical works, …) in which the credits are specifically given to each Course Unit
  • The credits are awarded to the students after passing the evaluation tests (final evaluations, works, reports, …) defined by the courses and pedagogic files. The students have to submit to the evaluation modalities established by the Institute. The achievement in these tests is accepted by the Studies Council. In some particular cases, the Studies Council can also award credits after evaluation and validation of non-formal or informal knowledge
  • The credits are awarded through an Achievement Attestation which awards the mastering of the Learning Outcomes for the concerned Course Unit
  • The Course Catalogue is adapted to our sections. Structured and centred on the courses finalities, it describes the titles, goals, contents, methods, assessment modes, credit numbers, … which are needed for the students’ choices
  • The academic assessment relies on different documents which constitute the student’s file


L'Enseignement de Promotion sociale est régi par le Décret du 16 avril 1991 (Communauté française, Moniteur belge: 25/06/1991 p.14171/ Modifié le 09/02/2017 par le Décret portant diverses mesures dans l'Enseignement de Promotion sociale, Communauté française, Moniteur belge: 09/03/2017 p.34322)

Le Décret paysage (Communauté française, 7 novembre 2013. Moniteur belge: 18/12/2013 p.99347) organise et régit l'Enseignement supérieur.

Le Glossaire de l'Enseignement de Promotion sociale explique les termes utilisés (Approuvé par le Conseil général de l'Enseignement de Promotion sociale, 26/01/2017).