For FCC Members

FCC New Member Welcome Kit.docx

Links on the MCC Web Site

Main web page for the FCC on the MCC web site

Database of grant applications used for the grant review process. Also used to apply for grants and for the FCC to input and store financial reports.

Includes guidelines & forms, grant cycle, and council basics. The three subsections contain an incredible amount of useful information about running an LCC.

The Grants Management System (GMS) includes the ability to change data about the FCC, e.g. address, phone number, email address, website address, FCC members and roles.

Links on the Framingham Municipal Website and

Cultural Council Rules and Procedure on the Framingham Municipal website

Cultural Council Tasks on the Framingham Municipal website

Directory for the City of Framingham

Form to request a Zoom link to use for a meeting

Of particular interest is #7: Appearance of undue favor or improper influence a.k.a. Disclosure of appearance of conflict of interest. web page with information, training, and links related to the Open Meeting Law.

Complete text of the open meeting law G.L. c. 30A, §§18-25.

Folders on the FCC Google Drive

(Click on any folder to access the files contained in that folder.)