
AFC: Applied Fractional Calculus pages

(Owned by YangQuan Chen 8/22/17 11/8/23)

AFC at Utah State University

Fractional Calculus Day at Utah State University

AFC Reading Group

Igor Podlubny's summer 07 course on FC taught at USU

Blas Vinagre's SAFC 2007.

IEEE CDC2002 Tutorial Workshop on AFC (CD ROM)



Keith B. Oldham liked this talk at FDA04 (Oldham's note; my slides, the full paper)

Journal: FCAA

New Journal: FDS


New: Academic Day of Fractional Dynamics and Controls (FDC), Shanghai University, May 16-18, 2010. (CFP, Program, event photo)

New: FDTA09 in San Diego. (Papers, Photos etc) FDTA11 will be in Washington DC, ASME IDETC/CIE 2011. MESA TC info

New: IFAC FDA 2010, Badajoz, Spain, October 18-20, 2010

New: IEEE CDC09 AFC Tutorial Shanghai, China

New: Minisymposium: Fractional Dynamics and Control @ ICDVC 2010, Hanzhou, China.

New: UCLA IPAM Workshop Slides and our poster.

New: Symposium on Fractional Signals & Systems Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 4-6, 2009.

New: Our FractionalCalculus Youtube Channel

New: summer 09 AFC course offering at USU! (info on another summer 09 course on Math+Matlab - All ppts ENJOY!)

New exciting event: Dr. Bruce J. West's visit (Seminar Flyer on global warming - pdf, blog1, blog2) and FOC_Day@USU  event is on April 24th, 2009, Friday from 9AM-6PM. (Schedule.pdf). (PPT)

Other exciting events: IFAC Working Group on FD/FOS (Newsletter: 1st , 2nd); ACC09 Pre-Conference Workshops - "AFC in Controls and Signal Processing" (pdf); ACC09 Tutorial Session on "AFC in Controls" (pdf) (pre-program). CCDC09 FOC Invited Session (pdf). ASME FDTA'09 (MSNDC-13.) and ASME/IEEE MESA09.

New: IFAC FDA08 photos: (left to right) - Prof. Mainardi, me, Prof. Caputo, Prof. Baleanu | Prof. Podlubny, Prof. Vinagre and me | me and Prof. Caputo | me and Prof. Nignatullin

Past Events: IFAC FDA 2008, My FDA08 plenary lecture slides. (photos) (FDA06 plenary lecture slides).

CSOIS Applied fractional calculus related papers (AFC Demo Corner ppt, book1, book2)

NSF REU Site on Applied Fractional Calculus (AFC) (a proposal) (AFC labs) (AFC REU sample projects)

Project: e-Collection of Bruce J. West's papers (DVD: 8/18/08. main.htm). See Shayok's web (You can send me a request of DVD via email)

Some Matlab Codes in MATLABCentral (Latest entry from Prof. Igor Podlubny)

My Contact:



YangQuan Chen, Ph.D, Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Director, Center for Self-Organizing and Intelligent Systems (CSOIS)

Utah State University, 4120 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-4120, USA

E: yqchen@ece.usu.edu or yqchen@ieee.org, T/F: 1(435)797-0148/3054;

W: http://www.csois.usu.edu or http://yangquan.chen.googlepages.com



Recent Talks

Created and Maintained by Dr. YangQuan Chen March 2008; Updated Sept. 2009.