Protect your children from bad words

Found on the Chrome Web Store

Four Letter Filter

Filter bad words from the websites that you and your children are visiting. Use the Four Letter Filter to mask unwanted bad words from popular social media like Facebook and Twitter, and filter foul language from any web site or web search result.

The Four Letter Filter removes over 425 bad words and word derivations found on the web. It will attempt filtering static content (plain old web page), dynamic content (like social media sites), and pages within pages (aka, iFrames). You can even add custom bad words to filter!

Works with both Windows and Mac Chrome users!

There are several categories of bad words that can be filtered:

  • Really bad words will always be filtered. These should need no explanation.
  • (Optional) Possibly offensive words which are generally biological or common household words that can be used within the context of a bad word or insult.
  • (Optional) Biblical words that can be contextually misused.

You can also add your own custom words that you deem to be offensive or insulting!


Keep in mind that people are creative, and bad words can be a cultural phenomena. This plugin will attempt to mask them from your web pages but may not catch all derivations. Also, this filter does not mask words in images, video, PDF's, and other types of media--it will only attempt to mask plain text words within a web page.

Attribution: Photograph by Lars Ploughmann