Note that 2.70 is probably the version of the main UEFI specification implemented by the firmware, not the version of the shell. As far as I know, there is no version 2.70 of the UEFI shell in existence yet... the latest release would be UEFI Shell v2.2, release 22H2.

I am not able to group visuals. I have tried every way-: i) Right clicking after selecting the visuals from selection pane, not getting "group" option after right clicking ii) Group option not present in the format iii) Group option disabled in modeling.

Format Factory Old Version 2.70 Free Download

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pfSense Plus and CE software utilize different version number formats. Thismakes it easier to distinguish between them and also makes it clear that thereleases do not necessarily happen at the same time, even if they share a commoncode base.

pfSense CE software version numbers use the format ..,and each component is present even if the value is 0. This version numberingscheme is similar to the format used by FreeBSD software. In the past, thisformat was also used for releases of pfSense Factory Edition software before itwas renamed to pfSense Plus.

UPDATE 2021-05-21: today we made v2.70~15 available for field testing. Only one change: fix the menu being unavailable after setting the access level to User only. Thank you @vga for finding and reporting this! We overlooked this when making a change. How to recover if your in that situation depends: when auto-update is enabled, just await your GX device being autoupdated. If not, you need to reset the GX device to its defaults, for which I've added instructions below.

UPDATE 2021-05-20: today we made v2.70~14 available. The main change is that, per ~14, the previous issue/bug/regression for having multiple tank senders with different device instance but same data instance, is fixed. And secondly some change related to the raspberrypi packages; which is really minor except for the handful of people/hobbiests/tinkerers that use that exotic thing.

Good day!

Still the same as last time: basically everything. In v2.70 we have amde multiple low level changes. the OE version has been updated from Rocko to Zeus and the Linux kernel has been updated from 4.19 to 5.10. And as a result, bugs and regression may hide in the most unexpected of corners.

Hi Stephen, we changed to a newer Linux kernel, which automatically includes updated HDMI drivers. It sounds like that might be the issue you're having. I'm not sure if there is anything we are able to do about this, HDMI is a rather complex protocol. We'll look at this, but only after first releasing v2.70.

Hi @ray-mont; noted thanks. I don't know what the issue is and I'm afraid we won't fix this before releasing v2.70. Ofcourse anyone thats affected by this on his raspberrypi can always stick to v2.66 which doesn't have the issue.

I did notice the low/high indication in the GUI is still hard-coded to 20%/80%. If this is coming, I won't spend the time to the waring threshold to the alarm settings. But I will if this isn't planned for v2.70.

I have updated my Victron Cerbo GX to Venus OS v2.70~12. When changing Access Level to "User", I lost the menu, meaning I'm not able to revert to "User & Installer" Tried to install the same image on a RPi3+ with the same result. Is there any other way to change User Access Level than through the GUI or do I have to reset?

Ps. for anyone curious: yes, this will fully reset a GX device to its factory defaults. We'll test and experiment a bit more, and then also document this in the manual and such. Which means another thank you to @vga, your questions finally got us on the right track to have a proper working and usable factory reset option.

Have now tried the procedure with 2 separate USB devices, one formatted with FAT and other with FAT32, without any success. Seems like it just boots without fetching the file from USB. Does the procedure require a specific USB port, or that devices are disconnected? Haven't tried other USB-ports or to disconnect all devices yet

You where right, changing USB port did the trick, thanks Mark. I was now able to reset the CerboGX and set it up as a new device. And thanks to @mvader (Victron Energy) for providing a solution for factory reset. I have now enabled SSH for future mistakes :)

As far as currently known it doesn't. And for that, you don't need a new content format. You can process such things with DSP for all content, since it would be related only to the DAC, not to the content.

With above issue and since I am trying to utilize SMS-200ultra neo as a main streamer I am thinking of updating my DAC 8 DSD firmware to 2.70 and Linux USB driver using the link provided by OE333 in the previous pages.

Version 2.98 (09/28/2009, current firmware: 2.70 / 2.47 / 1.69): Compatible to Windows 7 (see readme). Reliable stop of an ASIO thread even in difficult situations. Process management of multiclient ASIO did not work as expected on some computers. Settings dialog: New icons. MMCSS option removed. TotalMix: New skin and new icons. Scrolling limited to fader section, Quickpanels are fixed to the right. Password for locking the mixer state added. Bugfix Faderfox submix selection in third row. Option 'Ignore I/O Labels' did not work correctly. Matrix: Missing refresh when I/O labels change added.

Version 2.896 (07/09/2008, current firmware: 2.70 / 2.47 / 1.67): Vista updates: MMCSS setting is stored and MMCSS is 'off' as default. MMCSS can be enabled in the Settings / About dialog. Priority handling of the audio thread improved. New routines for the startup confirmation problem added.

Version (FUT 1.63 / 2.47 / 2.63): General: WDM multichannel playback had been deactivated in driver 2.65. TotalMix: All TotalMix faders can now be controlled by MIDI Control Change commands. The driver archive includes detailed information. Changing the gain of a muted matrix crosspoint by a TotalMix fader now directly updates the displayed value. (04/2007)

Version (FUT 204): TotalMix: Performance improved when MIDI option LC-Display is active. Performance improved when Matrix window is open. Tool tip is deleted when the window is closed via ESC. Tool tip is deleted when the mouse is drawn quickly across the window border. General: Limiter in Instrument input can be switched off. 2 sample offset removed on ADAT ports in Double Speed mode. Additional ASIO offset information. Hardware revision displayed on About page in the Settings dialog. Firmware 1.98 fixes single sample clicks and flash update problems. Win 64: The current settings of the Settings dialog are stored in the registry. (07/2005)

Version (FUT 189): Improved stability at small buffer sizes (Multiple IRP complete requests, Target MDL too small). Low latency operation improved on problematic computers. Memory consumption highly minimized. Special workaround adresses bug in Ricoh controller, provides significantly lower latency. Playback / Record more stable on problematic machines (unexpected stops). In case of an unexpected stop (no interrupts) the hardware is stopped automatically. Small change in the mme.dll (command restart no longer returns an error code). Improved performance in Double Speed operation (safety buffer). Significantly improved performance in Quad Speed operation (safety buffer). ASIO offset information added for Double and Quad Speed modes. TotalMix: Name of the preset knob is not shown in title bar when loading factory presets. Performance improved when MIDI option LC-Display is active. Firmware 1.89: Start/Stop bug in hardware fixed. 64 Bit driver: as above, plus: Added WDM Speaker Setup and WDM dummy mixer for improved compatibility to game and home entertainment software. (05/2005)

Version 2.01 (FUT 181): Totalmix.exe v fixes a graphic display problem with the tool tips in 'Always on top' mode. Totalmix.exe v adds support for the 9th fader of the Mackie control. The stereo output faders which are set up as 'Main Monitor' outputs can also be controlled by the standard CC 'Volume' via MIDI channel 1. Version 2.01: MIDI Pan Center in third row caused invalid pan bar. Function Reset to Unity Gain fader added via SEL(1-8) + DYNAMICS (button Exit on the BCF2000). Option in Preferences: Full LC Display Support, activates complete Mackie Control LCD support with 8 channel names and 8 volume/pan values. MIDI devices are handled according to their name. Post Send mode: right mouse drag on fader works on the specific fader even when 'Link Fader' is active. Changing fader or pan value via MIDI causes the preset button to flash. Added 'Default' to the title bar when a factory preset had been loaded. Tool tips now stay within the window area. (04/2005)

Version 1.5: TotalMix: New Submix View. All channels can be renamed freely (right click on label). Phase invert in Matrix via shift-click. Macro activates MS processing (Options). New monitor section with Mono, Dim, Talkback and Submix monitoring (Talkback not yet implemented). Systray Max/Min finalized. ASIO: Changing the sample rate between Single Speed/DS/QS caused DIGICheck to crash. Offset information increased by 1 sample. General (including Firmware 1.64): FW dropout detection for playback and record, featuring automatic correction. Loss of data packets in playback and record mode will be displayed as 'Errors' in the Settings dialog. Automatic re-synchronization of the sample position after loss of data packet in playback and record mode. Fix for DV compatibility. Optimized FW transmission in DS and QS mode. Optimized resources for computers with small amounts of memory. (11/2004)

Version 1.41: TotalMix: A mouse click on the icon in the systray triggers maximize/minimize. Mouse scroll wheel made hidden elements visible. General: Loss of data packets in playback mode is displayed in the Settings dialog as samples per channel. Automatic re-synchronization of the sample position after loss of data packet in playback mode. MME multi-client operation failed when Limit Bandwidth was active. ASIO: Buffer size information changed, now includes AD/DA-conversion. Further improved code for faster ADM reaction. (10/2004) 2351a5e196

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