Forensics Illustrated
Step Under the Tape
Forensics Illustrated: Step Under the Tape is a set of resources assembled and utilized to teach a high school forensic science class by a teacher. These resources were published officially in 2004, but is currently not in publication. As such, the author (Dr. Brennon Sapp) has placed all of these materials for free use on the internet. If you find any of the material or resources available on this website useful, please consider making a donation to support the upkeep of the site. Donations can be made on-line electronically by addressing paypal payments to
More Information
Forensics Illustrated is comprehensive collection of all the resources collected, manufactured, and utilized by Dr. Brennon Sapp during his nine years of teaching Forensic Science to high school students. This information was published in its entirety in the fall of 2004 by EOA Scientific. Now this information is available to anyone for free.
Any and all of these resources are available for you to use and utilize provided you comply with permission requirements of the author. These permission requirements are as follows.
Permission Requirements
This web site is copyright of Brennon Sapp and The images and texts remain the intellectual property of their respective owners. Users of the images and texts accessible through agree to the following conditions of use:
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All resources contain a copyright statement at the bottom of each page, this statement must remain visible on any and all items copied, distributed, or displayed.
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