This really depends on the weapon, using malignant force you're trading up front damage for shield penetrating DoTs (or say Viral for life/2), so if the weapon you are using already has a decent status chance (say 15% and up), I'd go with that for the additional procs across the board.

Dread I can say with confidence it's worth investing in, that already has a great status chance and it'll make your big procs MUCH more reliable (personally, I recommend you put cryo in there next to it for viral procs).

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Boltor is a base 10% status chance, so you'll bump that up to 16% with Malignant Force, which is decent - 1:10 vs 1:5.8 or so. When you add fire rate or multishot on top of that it'll work nicely, especially with the impact procs locking down bigger targets.

Dread I can say will confidence it's worth investing in, that already has a great status chance and it'll make your big procs MUCH more reliable (personally, I recommend you put cryo in there next to it for viral procs).

At the same time though, as a raging late-game warrior, having a high chance to proc Viral makes the Dread absolutely devastating. Cuts enemy life right in half, it's a beautiful thing vs those level 100+ enemies :)

I personably like to put malignant force high voltage and hammer shot on, so weapons with high Status chance like grakata or Latron prime. This slopes for corrosive damage that will take down high level grineer's armor.

bumping, also does anyone know if disk streaming is for audio tracks only or can you do like velocity layered auto sampling for big key groups etc? Where is the best place to discuss the force? Everywhere seems dead about it but it looks pretty crazy from videos. It seems like the online community around it is pretty quiet

I have recorded and made a few audio loops on the Force and I definitely think about connecting my hardware synths to it and controlling/recording them too, but I usually get lost in the built-in stuff.

So, I think you could have a lot of fun making your own beats (loops) and jamming with them without ever using canned loops, but you also have the choice of using the included loops to get you started.

There was a fire at Asahi Kasei before the pandemic that might still be having a ripple effect throughout the audio industry. This might be affecting part costs for Akai. However, I guess the price increase reflects a recognition that the Force has become more valuable with the last two updates and had been discounted deeply from the original street price.

Hey all...quick question. I have a small composite clip for which I am doing a 2D Plane Stress analysis. I have cut the clip in half and have fixed it at one end. The other end is being forced to deflect 0.030". The analysis runs great, but now I would like to know how to calculate the 'equivalent force' that would be required to produce that given deflection. I tried creating a measure but didn't really know what to do with it once it was created. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Mark, admittedly I did not open your file. That being said though, you should be able to add a contraint and instead of making it fixed, select the prescribed displacement button (to the right of the default fixed button). If you type in .030 you should then be able to create a force measure that measures the force at that constraint.

I manage a Web Clip for a team of engineers who use a CMDB solution (ServiceNow) for checking industrial & scientific equipment in the field. They do this on iPads using Safari. The CMDB solution is a cloud-based web interface, no third-party apps are required. Basically, I use MDM to push-out a Web Clip that tells Safari to open a specific private URL on the engineers iPads.

We have realized that Safari renders the ServiceNow web interface incorrectly at times. Engineers are complaining of horizontal scrolling issues, zombied drop-down menus, etc. As of iOS 8.1.3, the issues are still not resolved. Both Apple and ServiceNow are aware of my issues.

The good news is that we have discover that Google Chrome on iOS doe not exhibit the rendering issues. Thus, there has been discussion to pull the Safari Web Clip via MDM and push-out a new Web Clip that will force the engineers to use Google Chrome instead. Google Chrome is a managed app, so pushing our Chrome will be easy.

At first I had made a redirect page and linked the webclip to that thinking that solved the issue. Turns out Safari is awesome and leaves the tab open. Once you re-open Safari, BOOM haiku opens again in Chrome.

How do you get this to work with an HTTPS? that method works perfectly for a non https site. Putting googlechrome:// actually leaves out the : after https so it can't find the page. leaving out https entirely, makes it think it's not valid webpage (would work for non https sites).

Stumbled across this thread when trying to figure out if you can set a default browser via MDM commands, and also stumbled across which suggests that TargetApplicationBundleIdentifier can be set to to force a webclip to open in Chrome, or to force a webclip to open in Safari but I haven't tried this (yet.)

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Shade 1160 Midnight Air Force Blue satin clip on bow tie.Shade 1160 Midnight Air Force Blue satin clip on bow tie.

 Worn by the United States Air Force (USAF) and the Civil Air Patrol (CAP). Mandatory with the Air Force Mess Dress Uniform. Approved for wear by the CAP with men's mess dress uniform. Cadets may wear the blue bow tie with a white shirt and the service coat for formal affairs.

Hi, everyone. I have a clip that's high definition. It's been video denoised and colour corrected and vignetted, and to preserve quality it's rendered in QuickTime Animation codec with quality of 100 (lossless). It's 37 gigabytes for 3 and a half minutes, and my humble MacBook Pro can't play it in real time. That's no problem, as long as I can use previews to do my editing.

But it looks like Premiere Pro CS 6.0.1 is trying to use the original file instead of creating previews. If I delete all preview files, the line above the clip stays yellow/green (I'm colour blind, sorry I can't tell the difference). If I drop the sequence preview resolution, it stays yellow/green.

The preview format changes depending on your sequence settings. If you edit in DV-NTSC it is DV-NTSC;s codec if you edit in AVCHD and tons of other HD formats it uses i-frame only mpeg if you edit in DVCPRO50 it uses DVCPRO50 NTSC for preview codec and so on.

If you create a custom preset for the sequence type you can pretty much choose what you want as the preview codec. If you choose a preset then you get what is there already and it's grayed (can't be changed).

Honestly I'd recommend looking into chosing a different option other than animation, I'd recommend using DNxHD or UT. It won't be such a big file. With UT it will be lossless and with DNxHD it will be visually lossless.

The Animation format is only for the highest-quality render of it, and it's necessary in order to make sure there's no loss of quality. But when I'm editing, I don't need the highest quality. Intraframe compression is fine.

If you don't have a red bar, you can trick it by adding a non-accelerated effect (such as channel blur) and keep it set to 0 so it has no effect. But it will change to a red bar and allow you to create a preview file.

UT doesn't lose any quality and niether does Lagarith. Both of these codecs are 100% lossless. DNxHD is visually lossless which I have done many many test with and I haven't ever seen any loss with it. But honestly I was just trying to recommend you consider using one of the codecs I mentioned instead of Animation beause Animation takes forever to render and also produces HUGE files and it doesn't produce any better results than UT or Lagarith, and for all intensive purposes doesn't look any better than DNxHD either (since it's visually lossless).

Also with Lagarith and UT and DNxHD you probably wouldn't need to render to begin with. (depending on what you're doing) but since you've been using animation already I understand if that's what you'd continue to like using I actually used to use Animation and PNG back before I found out about the options I have listed.

Well, QuickTime Animation codec works out of the box on all Macs. So I can use it to transfer files between myself and my friend without any co-ordination of codec. Again, I don't care if the file is big for the sake of a final render, as long as I can edit in a lossy, smaller version of it.

 Pilot has jumped on the bandwagon of the pressurized writing experience in hopes, I'm sure, of competing with a few of the better known favorites, the Fisher Space Pen, or the Tombow Airpress, to name a couple. Their offering is called the Down Force; sounds pretty intense, right? Like a storm or something. 152ee80cbc

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