Your Trusted Foot Doctor in Boulder: Expert Podiatric Care and Orthopedic Solutions

At Boulder Orthotics, our board-certified podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons, including experts like Dr. James Yakel and Dr. Roth Christiansen, specialize in addressing a comprehensive range of foot and ankle conditions—from plantar fasciitis and hammertoes to complex fractures and diabetic limb salvage. Leveraging state-of-the-art facilities in Boulder, Colorado, and a robust understanding of podiatric medicine, we offer personalized treatment options, including surgery, physical therapy, and advanced orthotic solutions, ensuring unparalleled care for our patients.

Understanding How Orthopedics, Pathology, Arthritis, and Biomechanics Are Connected

Medicine is a big and complex field, and orthopedics is a crucial part where the structure of our body meets its function. When we look at how orthopedics, pathology, arthritis, and biomechanics work together, we get a full picture of how to diagnose, treat, and prevent problems with our bones and muscles. Learning about the connections between these areas helps us understand how our bodies work and how different health issues can affect us.

Orthopedics: Keeping Our Bones and Muscles Healthy

Orthopedics deals with fixing or preventing issues with our bones, tendons, and ligaments. This area of medicine helps people with broken bones, chronic conditions like osteoarthritis, and other bone and joint problems through surgery and non-surgery methods.

Pathology: Finding Out What's Wrong

Pathology is the study of diseases. It's super important in orthopedics because it helps find the root of musculoskeletal problems. By looking at tissue samples under a microscope, experts can spot diseases like osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis. This information helps doctors choose the best treatment.

Arthritis: Dealing With Joint Inflammation and Pain

Arthritis is when your joints become inflamed, making them hurt, stiff, and hard to move. There are many types of arthritis, but it's key to know the signs early and tell the difference between types, such as the wear-and-tear kind (osteoarthritis) and the autoimmune kind (rheumatoid arthritis), to manage it properly.

Biomechanics: Understanding How We Move

Biomechanics combines the study of mechanics with how the human body moves. This knowledge helps create tools and shoes that support our body correctly and make rehab methods that match our natural movements.

By looking at how orthopedics, pathology, arthritis, and biomechanics all work together, doctors can take care of their patients in a better way. This team approach makes sure treatments focus on the patient's needs, leading to better health and happier lives.

Understanding all these areas helps us see how health issues show up in our bones and muscles and how to deal with them effectively. Working together, these fields make sure medical care is well-rounded, showing how everything in our body is connected and needs precise care to stay healthy.

This mix of orthopedics, pathology, arthritis, and biomechanics gives us a wealth of knowledge about our bodies. It shows how important a complete approach is when dealing with bone and muscle problems, making sure patients get the best care possible. With ongoing research and teamwork, we can expect new breakthroughs that will not only deepen our understanding of these areas but also make life better for people with these health issues.

Comprehensive Care for Foot and Ankle Conditions

Specialized Programs and Services

Meet Our Team of Specialists

Our Commitment to Patient Care and Excellence

Our clinic really cares about giving top-notch care and being great at what we do, especially for anyone needing help with foot and ankle issues. We make sure you get to see orthopedists who are top in the field and know a lot about foot care. We focus on figuring out the main reason you're having problems, not just the symptoms.

State-of-the-Art Treatment Facilities

We have the latest and greatest facilities for treating all kinds of foot and ankle issues. Whether you need advanced braces or a special check-up to see how your foot moves, we've got you covered. Our goal is to give you treatment options that help now and keep you healthy and moving well in the future.

Boulder Podiatrist specializing
Boulder Podiatrist
Compassionate Boulder Podiatrist

Foot Doctor Boulder Q&A

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic’s approach to sports medicine?

At Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic, we tackle sports medicine by making sure athletes are both avoiding injuries and getting better from them. Our team includes experts like Dr. Brian Roth and Dr. James Yakel. They've studied a lot in the field and use the newest methods to help athletes be their best and heal fast.

How is the College of Podiatric Medicine represented at Boulder Medical Center?

The College of Podiatric Medicine is well-represented at Boulder Medical Center by top foot doctors like our podiatrists, who have gone through lots of training in caring for feet and ankles. This even covers tough stuff like saving feet in people with diabetes and fixing unstable ankles, so many kinds of foot problems get the best treatment.

Are there specialists in diabetic limb salvage in Boulder, Colorado?

Yes, Boulder, Colorado, has experts in saving the limbs of people with diabetes, including at Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic. Our team is specially trained to use the latest methods and technology to help prevent amputation and help people live better lives.

What qualifications do podiatrists at Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic have?

Our podiatrists, like Dr. James Yakel and Dr. Brian Roth, have earned their Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degrees and have gone through tough training programs in things like sports medicine and helping save the limbs of people with diabetes. They're really good at taking care of all sorts of foot and ankle problems.

Does Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic accept referrals?

Yes, we welcome referrals from other doctors. Referrals let us work together with other healthcare providers to give focused and complete care that's just right for each patient, whether they need help with hammertoes, unstable ankles, or other foot issues.

Can I see a podiatrist in Boulder for hammertoes?

Yes, our clinic in Boulder is great at treating hammertoes and many other foot and ankle problems. Our experienced doctors, like Dr. Christiansen and Dr. Roth, know a lot because of their training and ongoing education. They offer both non-surgery and surgery options to help you.

What makes Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic stand out for foot and ankle care in Denver and Boulder, CO?

Our clinic stands out because our team, including board-certified podiatrists, has deep knowledge in treating foot and ankle conditions. We cover both Boulder and Denver, CO, and use the latest methods and technology to make personalized care plans. We also believe in teaching our patients about their care, which makes your experience with us even better.

How do I prepare for a consultation with a DPM at Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic?

Getting ready to see a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) at our clinic means bringing any info you have about past foot or ankle care, what medicines you take, and what symptoms you have. It also helps to think of questions you want to ask about your condition or treatments so you can get the most out of your visit.

Foot Doctor Boulder Scholarly Articles

Discovery of Arctic Shells below Boulder–Clay, at Woodhill, Kilmaurs

Notice of an Ice-carried Boulder at Borgholm

On Wells in West Suffolk Boulder-clay

The Guthrie boulder: A forgotten monument to anesthesia in Chicago

The Terminal Boulder Belt in Shawnee County

On a transported mass of Ampthill Clay in the boulder-clay at Biggleswade (Bedfordshire)

Partial report on the Grange mine in Boulder County, Colorado

They're off at Boulder Dam!

gravels beneath the latest sheet of boulder-clay, and a gravel

A supposed implement of quartzite from beneath the boulder clay of the Durham coast

Engineering and Economic Features of the Boulder Dam

Chalky Boulder-Clay at Wembley Park

An animal-polished boulder from Kansas

Notes from Boulder County, Colo.

" It lets you use your feet more like you use your hands on the rock": a haptic geography of bouldering


XXVI.—On the Occurrence of Marine Organisms in the Boulder-clay of the Glasgow District. Part first

Department of Economics and Institute of Behavioral Science University of Colorado at Boulder Jacob Rowberry Ford School of Public Policy, University of …

Reports on the Utica and B & M mines, Ward, Boulder County, Colorado

… Features of the Surrounding Locality; Together with the Remarkable Discovery of a Human Skeleton and a Fossil Pine Tree in the Boulder and Gravel Formation of …

Farther Discovery of Mammoth Remains and Arctic Shells, below Boulder-Clay, near Kilmarnock.

Cretaceous-Paleocene boulder deposit, central Arkansas

On Transported Boulder Clay

Mayflower, Renova Basin, and South Boulder Creek Areas

Cooling the Concrete in Boulder Dam

Symposium on operation of the Boulder Dam transmission line—Corona experience on transmission line

VIII. Notes from the Island of Bute: I. On a Tract of Columnar Sandstone, and a Perched Boulder, near Kilchattan

Engineering features of Boulder Dam and power plant

Correspondence—Prof. Edward Hull. 333 or newer than the Boulder-clay east of Granthatn. Mr. Deeley regards it as older because the material is similar to that of his …

Boulder Drift Theories

On the Relation of the Boulder-clay, without Chalk, of the North of England to the Great Chalky Boulder-clay of the South

Loudville pyromorphite: The story of an extraordinary boulder unearthed at Manhan River mine, Easthampton, Massachusetts

… the Occurrence of Seeds of Fresh-water Plants and Arctic Shells, along with the Remains of the Mammoth and Reindeer, in beds under the Boulder-Clay at Kilmaurs

286 Correspondence—Mr. HB Woodward. of muddy sand, below 70 feet of surface and Boulder-clay, in sink-ing a pit 2\miles west, or down the valley, from the …

The Colorado Engineer

… by the Commission. The most important is the discovery of undoubted scratched stones, resembling true glaciated pebbles; a large boulder of granite, 10 feet by 8 feet …

Boulder, 1859-1919

V.—On the Distribution beyond the Tertiary Districts of White Clays and Sands subjacent to the Boulder-clay Drifts

From Boulder to the Gulf

From Boulder to the Gulf (Conclusion)

Further Notes on Rock-Fragments frm the South of Scotland imbedded in the Low-Level Boulder-clay of Lancashire


On the Relations of the Chalky Boulder Clay to the Implementiferous Beds of the Pleistocene Formation

On the occurrence of beds in the west of Scotland beneath the boulder-clay

Boulder Dam Symposium: Problems of Sanitation at Headquarters Area During Construction

The Phenomena of Boulder Drift

On some sections of boulder clay, peat, and stratified beds recently exposed at Redhal, Slateford, near Edinburgh

The Medical and Surgical Organization at Boulder Dam

On a new theory for the formation of till or boulder clay

Boulder Orthotics & Boot Fitting

6897 Paiute Ave #1h, Niwot, CO 80503
