The Food Lovers Fat Loss System is touted as the no-diet weight loss plan for people who love to eat. Developed by a company called Provida with certified nutritionist Robert Ferguson, MS, it is a relatively simple diet plan focused on pairing the right foods and eating every few hours.

The foundation of the diet is similar to other healthy diet plans that promote plenty of non-starchy vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats in controlled portions and combinations. It can be modified for vegetarians and is diabetes-friendly and heart healthy, Ferguson says.

Food Lovers Diet Free Download

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"Eat all your favorite foods, at every meal and reduce your waistline" is one of the somewhat misleading claims on the web site that overpromises the actual diet. Most favorite foods, like the piece of chocolate cake pictured on the web site, are allowed in the maintenance phase and only in controlled portions when paired with other foods. What's more, dieters are encouraged to skip the chocolate cake altogether and choose sugar-free alternatives.

Eating the right combination of protein and specific types of carbs is designed to teach dieters how to combine foods on the fat loss plate to, according to the plan, "speed up metabolism, which helps burn fat."

Ron Dudek, PhD, an obesity and diabetes researcher at East Carolina University and a consultant paid by Provida to review the plan, says you can turn your body into a fat-burning machine with the right foods.

Weight loss is jump-started in the 21-day Metabolism Makeover, the core of the diet plan. Each day, the plan unveils a simple diet strategy to help dieters develop healthy lifestyle habits that support long-term weight loss. Habits like keeping a food, water and exercise log, eating breakfast, controlling sodium, choosing healthy fats, drinking lots of water, finding a buddy, eating more fiber, and getting enough sleep are just a few examples.

Dieters eat three meals and snacks every 2-3 hours using the Fat Loss Plate with approved foods in proper portions. Most meals contain about 15 grams of protein and 30 grams of carbs and total calories vary but are never less than 1,200 for women and 1,500 for men.

More than just the 21 Day Metabolism Makeover and Food Lovers for Life diet plans, the mail-order package ($139.99) includes workout and motivational videos, menu planner, cookbook, success journal, eating out advisor and online community support is also available.

For the first five days, snacks are either one portion of a whole food such as an apple or any food that doesn't exceed 150-250 calories. "Accelerator snacks," which are recommended starting on day 6, must also contain at least 7 grams of protein.

Foods not recommended because, according to the plan, they are likely to slow metabolism: white, bleached, and enriched flours; alcohol; soda; saturated fats; trans fats; partially hydrogenated oils; high fructose corn syrup and other sugars; foods high in sodium; and most processed foods.

Alcohol, refined flour, sugar, and fried foods are allowed in this phase but are strongly discouraged. For example, instead of eating deep-fat-fried foods, dieters are encouraged to eat oven-fried foods.

"At the core, this diet is similar to what I recommend for weight loss," says Marisa Moore, MBA, RD, LD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly called the American Dietetic Association). "There are lots of good aspects to the Food Lovers Fat Loss System, but it is gimmicky and makes unrealistic promises like your metabolism will be faster or more efficient after 21 days, which is not grounded in scientific evidence."

"There are no magic bullets to weight loss, but these supplements may not be a bad thing to add to your diet," Dudek says. "Borage oil is an anti-inflammatory agent, and some of the ingredients in the 5 Way Metabolic Fat Fighter may have a minimal effect."

Moore's advice: Save your money, follow a healthy diet plan from My Plate, and skip the weight loss supplements. "Weight loss supplements do not help dieters develop critical lifestyle changes that are the real key to dropping pounds and achieving lifelong health," Moore says.

Once you get beyond the promises, the Food Lovers Fat Loss System is a healthy calorie and portion-controlled plan with an emphasis on eating lean protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. It is rewarding for dieters to know they can enjoy their favorite foods, even if only in small quantities.

Losing weight is challenging, but if you learn how to choose the right foods and eat them regularly, weight loss should be easier. Eating the right food combinations will keep you full and satisfied so gnawing hunger won't derail your diet.

Food Lovers is a simple education-based weight loss program that teaches you how to use your favorite foods to speed up your metabolism so your body burns fat instead of storing it.

I know that your metabolism slows as you get older so I was curious when I was asked to do a Food Lovers Diet review. The Food Lovers Diet shows you how you can eat your favorite foods in a way that increases your metabolism. This means that your body burns fat instead of storing it.

The Food Lovers Diet encourages you to eat healthier by making better food choices. You are encouraged to eat three meals a day plus healthy snacks. You are encouraged to exercise. They recommend you minimize refined sugars. And, they recommend you replace refined sugars with artificial sweeteners or natural, less processed alternatives. I recommend the natural alternatives since artificial sweeteners carry their own issues with them.

The diet recommends that you make these changes slowly so you can stick with them for the long run. I love that they recommend you educate yourself as part of the process. They want you to understand how what you eat and what you do really impacts your weight. You learn how to read a nutrition label. Finally, they explain why each step in the diet is necessary and what that change will mean for your body.

Are you one of those people who struggle to lose weight because you love food? Despite best intentions, do you find your self control goes out the window when anything vaguely edible is within reach? Have you tried diet after diet only to succumb to temptation because you cannot stand the deprivation any longer? If you have answered yes to these questions you are not alone. Despite knowledge and the greatest of will power, our hunter gatherer genes have us wired so that when faced with immediate gratification or long-term health gain, immediate gratification wins almost every time, particularly if you love food!

Training your taste buds and eating habits so that the foods you want are mainly those that look after your health and weight is the key to enjoying food and a healthy weight at the same time. And it is a far easier path for food lovers than the food restriction required by traditional dieting.

Take lasagne, for example. Your choice is to have a micro portion of a traditional lasagne (leaving you screaming for more) or have a regular portion prepared with healthier ingredients and healthier cooking methods. If you can maintain flavour and appeal in the latter, the choice for food lovers is a no-brainer! (For a healthy recipe, try our HFG lasagne.)

The following tips will help you lose weight without sacrificing your enjoyment of food. They are about making small changes to the way you select, prepare, serve and eat your food with the idea that many small changes add up to a significant kilojoule reduction without you really realising it.

Except for fresh vegetables, fruit or salads with low-kilojoule dressings, do not put platters of food on the table for self service. You are far more likely to eat food that is in front of you.

Eat chocolate and other treat foods slowly and savour each mouthful. By doing this you may find the most enjoyment comes from the first few mouthfuls, and you will be able to have a small piece or put the rest away for later.

Diet or the food that we consume plays an essential role in weight management, and a healthy diet is critical for maintaining a healthy weight. Food provides the body with energy and nutrients to keep it functioning properly. The type of food you consume has a major impact on your metabolism.

To function properly the cells in your body, especially in your brain needs a steady supply of blood sugar.  When you eat food, your digestive system breaks it down into sugar. This sugar then enters into your blood stream. Now your pancreas come into play. Your pancreas measures how much sugar is in your blood and adjusts the levels of insulin it releases. Insulin is a hormone produced by islet cell of the pancreas. Insulin informs the cells of your body to absorb glucose from your blood to use it as energy or to store it for later use.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System is a collection of menus, meal plans, grocery lists, foods, and tools to help you lose weight and be healthier. It gives you tips on what to eat and when to eat. It also includes tips to shop and prepare healthy meals.

The program then helps you build on these small successes to create long-term change. The program believes that by avoiding wrong foods, consuming your favorite foods as per the eating plan and by incorporating a regular exercise program into your lifestyle your body can switch to a fat burning mode. Everyday you get a meal plan and grocery list, along with suggestions for how to prepare meals at home to help you burn fat.

The diet plan comes with a comprehensive list of recipes that you can make. Each recipe is supported by a list of ingredients, preparation time, cooking time and number of servings. Recipes are also classified according to the four basic food types i.e. Proteins, Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs and Healthy Fats. A few examples of healthy weight loss recipes include:

You can mix and match various recopies as per your preference provided they follow the recommended portion sizes and food type combinations. For example, rather than eating a breakfast of waffles covered with syrup, the serving of waffles is cut in half, and a protein source (e.g., an egg or serving of lean sausage) as well as a slow carb fruit (e.g., strawberries or blueberries) is added. The meal then becomes more well-rounded and higher in nutrition and likely more satisfying and satiating. In other words, it may help you stay full for longer due to the increased fiber and protein. 006ab0faaa

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