Follow Me Boys!

A miniatures battle game

I started playing war games in 1976. First board games and role play games but soon after historical miniatures games. I've bee gaming ever since. Along the way I got the rules writing bug and have been making games since 1980. Now my efforts are focused on "Follow Me Boys!" The purpose of this page is to develop the game and make it available to anyone who wants to give it a try. 

The idea behind FMB is to make a game using simple rules mechanics such as might have been used in the 1960's but which weren't. Instead of knocking figures over to show casualties, the game focuses on group cohesion. It is NOT meant to be a realistic simulation of the world. 

FMB grew out of an earlier game I made around 2000 called Politics by other means. My first drafts of FBM rules in 2018 used a lot of dice rolls. They worked but over time I found that too many rolls slowed games down needlessly. I also found that having more than 6 dice rolled at a time led to sudden death of a type that is absolutely not fun.  As of 2023 I think I have a set of rules that I am happy with.  I share them here, along with the first drafts of the rules. 

The game uses six sided dice and toy soldiers of any scale. It can be played on any kind of terrain. Just make it look good! 

Here are free PDFs of the rules.

Follow Me Boys May 2023

Follow Me Boys July 2018     Cheat Sheet  July 2018

Game Play Cheat Sheet May 2018

Early written draft of the rules