
I want to sync only one folder in my vault, so that I can add things from my mobile device without having to 1) upload all my data to a third party server (through obsidian sync), 2) having to sync the whole vault to my phone (with dropsync), 3) having to switch between vault on my desktop (syncing a separate vault).

Thanks! I would use the vault-in-vault only as a way to get quick mobile notes into the desktop vault. I guess, given what I read in that thread, that it should be safe to use it in this way, and simply move them out of the mobile folder/vault to the main one?

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If odrive is running on a server containing both types of storage buckets with active uploads in process from each, the files in the small bucket are often delayed in uploading for long times while other folders are processed.

A useful option for this type of situation would be the ability to assign variable sync priorities to each odrive folder. Low, default, and high would suffice. Changes to a high priority folder would take the next available sync slot. Low priority folders would only sync if no other upload/downloads were in process. Default would use the existing odrive priority system.

This issue has become a showstopper for us. Even with the latest (Win v5354) client, there are significant delays in syncing files. A PC with only a few odrive managed shares usually but not always syncs within 10 minutes without needing to manually navigate to the odrive folder. Browsing to the specific local shared folder in Windows Explorer is usually enough to trigger an odrive sync but this is not an acceptable option for production work.

A computer with a large number of files (100K - 100M+) synced via odrive is another matter entirely. At the lower end of the range, it takes hours to a day for odrive to pick up a single modified file remote in a small (

Google Drive, S3, Box, ACD, and Dropbox all show the same behavior. With v5354, the Windows odrive client appears even less responsive for querying remote storage for updates. Even on a computer with minimal synced shares (3 synced encrypted shares, less than 100 total files) it either takes navigating to the local synced folder in Windows Explorer or, if there already, issuing a sync request to odrive to pick up files changed even 4 or 5 hours ago.

In the above example case, I could anticipate a large delay in reflection on Computer 2 if the local folder on Computer 1 is actually on a network share, or external volume that does not allow for optimized change detection.

Edit to above. After 5 days, two Windows machines running odrive v5391 have not picked up a changed file. Odrive only syncs to a single encrypted folder containing one file on each of these computers. The share on one computer is hosted on Box, the other uses Google Drive. The native clients synced the changes within seconds of the files being modified.

Exactly. I made the mistake of using odrive to upload ~300K files from the same computer that I modified a single file in another sync account. While odrive ever so slowly processes the large batch of files, the single file never updated. Odrive on the source computer claims that the file in question is synced. No other computers see the update after more than 20 hours. As the file in question is in an encrypted folder, there is no independent means of verifying its status.

I know that 1password is steering users towards syncing to your cloud. But that isn't what I want to do. For reasons not important to the thread. I'd like to use the Local Folder Sync option. The problem is that there is no documentation for it outside of this page: -folder/

Its trivial to move files between devices. For example, I can easily copy my vault from my laptop to my phone by hand. My question is around when will 1password update the local folder copy? Is it with every change or only when closing the app? When does 1password read the local folder copy? If the local copy changes will 1password read it quickly or only after the app is restarted?

@Blake , Thanks for the quick update. So, on unlock the synced file is read and any changes loaded in to the local copy. That part I get. However, I'm unclear on how changes are saved to my local folder copy. The local vault you mention is not what is synced around, its the backup copy you specify. You mention those backups happen regularly. But is it immediately upon a change, or a periodic backup (every 5 minutes for example, or whatever)?

As Blake mentioned above, when you change an item within your local vault in 1Password 7 for Windows, a local vault file in your local folder should be updated as well. It might not be convenient to copy that local folder between your devices manually, so I would recommend you to configure a preferred sync solution for that folder separately.

As for local vault backups: when you enable sync for a local vault in 1Password 7, a backup for your local vault is created once per day when you first make a change. So, that 11/12 backup was created after the first change you made on that date. Same goes for 11/14, but it would have also captured any subsequent changes you made on 11/12. The backups files are also stored separately in %LOCALAPPDATA%\1Password\backups\.

Thats the plan. My manual copy was just an example but given how infrequently I update the vault, it does work well for my Keepass DB (1password is way better). Also being the solution with fewest moving parts, any issues with the DB are not a problem with the sync but a problem with the DB getting read or written to.

So, yes backups and sync are two seperate things. I get that. But what you are saying is that when I enable sync for a local vault the copy of the vault in my sync directory is only written to once per day? Or are you saying that when I enable sync, backups are also enabled and those are written to once a day? If that is the case, when does the copy that goes in my sync folder get updated? Please say as soon as changes are made.

I still believe that it won't be really convenient to deal with the manual copying of your local folder on a daily basis, so I would also recommend you to take a closer look at 1Password accounts, as this is the best way to use 1Password right now.

I've done a test and can see my data is encrypted at the destination (both ends are Windows). What I just do not get is if I need to recover the encrypted data how doI decrypt it? I guess I decrypt on the destination server and then sync back or copy to usb for example?

If, for some reason, device A is gone (dead system or dead storage), you'll need a new device N, install Resilio Sync, then enter the R/W key (or the Read-only key), synchronize and get the original data on device N.

When you create a "Encrypted Folder" share on device A, you get 3 keys (R/W, Read-only, Encrypted), the folder on device A is not encrypted and has the original data.

Now when you share the "Encrypted" key to device E, device E has encrypted data after fully synchronized. There's no way to decrypt this folder.

The encrypted data can be decrypted on the encrypted node as well. The necessary conditions and details can be found in the mentioned howto on encrypted folders (see the use of the command line interface).

If I am left with only a folder of encrypted files on the client, can't I decrypt it? What else do I need to keep to decrypt the data if, for example, only the disk with the files is left, but not the operating system with Resilio?

I wonder if I would be better off using third-party sync software to push the data to the NAS devices, and then letting Syncthing keep files synchronized between the two NAS devices? That would let Syncthing work on its strengths automatically while I just have to get the data to either NAS for Syncthing to take over.

I am new to Evernote and do not understand it very well yet. I have an application that I want to know if any version of Evernote can solve. I have hundreds of test reports created as PDF files, and these exist in a nested tree of folders at a specific folder on my local hard drive. What I want to have happen is for Evernote to *automatically* sync with that folder, so that any time I add a new file or folder to the local folders on my file system, this automatically uploads and is indexed into the Evernote notebook.

It would be extremely time consuming and cumbersome if I had to manually sync the local folder and the Evernote notebook. So finding a way to have things just synchronize in the background and automatically is important.

There is no way to sync a folder to the Evernote web version; you'd need to use the native Windows application. You would use the Import Folder faciility, but even then there are limitations as to how deep in the folder hierarchy the import process would go.

What I want to have happen is for Evernote to *automatically* sync with that folder, so that any time I add a new file or folder to the local folders on my file system, this automatically uploads and is indexed into the Evernote notebook.

Doesn't exist at this time. You can set up import folders, and their content gets pulled into Evernote automatically, and therefore indexed, but they're otherwise independent of the file system. If you want to make this a feature request, then there's a more appropriate forum for that. I can move this topic, if you wish. ff782bc1db

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