
What is FocusPath-UofT ?

FocusPath-UofT is a benchmark database in digital pathology for validation of image quality assessment (IQA) of Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) systems.

Why FocusPath-UofT ?

Auto focus metric development in WSI systems is one of the main steps in manufacturing high-throughput scanners that can be integrated in clinical and research laboratories for digital archiving of tissue slides. We introduce the FocusPath WSI database for non-reference based IQA metric development that can be used in many application of image processing, computer vision, machine learning and medical science.

Who uses FocusPath-UofT ?

Researchers who work on the development of Non-Reference Focus Quality Assessment (NR-FQA) are welcome to use FocsuPath-UofT for experimenting.

Usage Terms and Conditions

The construction of FocusPath database is for research purpose only.