In Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, there are a series of vents allowing the player to get from one room to another easily. When the vents detect motion inside of them or are opened, the Female Computer Voice will tell you so.

The original FNaF has quite a few helpful sound cues that can help you discern where certain animatronics are just by listening for them, and taking advantage of them can help you conserve power by limiting your camera usage. However, there are no notable visual cues. Here they are!Foxy's Pirate Song - Sometimes, you can hear a strange song sounding something like "da da dum dum dum", etc., and you can hear it even in your office. This is presumably Foxy singing it, and it means that Foxy is currently completely satisfied. He is in the farthest stage of his cycle from attacking you, as in he is covered completely by his stage's curtains. This means that you can usually direct your attention to the other animatronics without having to worry about him attacking you for a while.

Fnaf 2 Vent Sound Download

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Pounding and Scraping - This sound can only occur when your left door is shut, and means that Foxy has reached the very end of his attack cycle, resetting back to the beginning of it. Him pounding on your door does, however, drain a small amount of your power. You should avoid allowing him to pound on your door too often, as he will drain increasing amounts of power from you with each successive attack. (The count resets each night.)

Pots and Pans - The sound of pots and pans being shuffled around, clanging together and such. This sound is a sign that Chica is currently in the Kitchen, and, unlike Freddy's 'Toreador March', can even be heard from the office.

Freddy's Laughter - When Freddy moves from one camera to another, a very low-pitched laughter sound will play. This laughter gets louder the closer he is to you. Depending on how many times he has laughed, you can usually keep track of where he is at any given time. He always follows this particular order of cameras, laughing every time he advances a step. Show Stage -> Party Hall -> Bathrooms -> Kitchen -> East Hallway -> East Corner. Also, when you hear him endlessly laughing, that means that Freddy is currently in your office, and you are helpless to the fact that he can jumpscare you at any time after he starts laughing. The time he waits before attacking you is random, though, so if you're lucky, you can be saved by the strike of 6 AM before he attacks.

Hallway Alarm - A sound that sounds vaguely like a metallic clang every 2 seconds or so. This begins playing when the first animatronic appears in your Hallway, and plays for the rest of the night afterwards. Only helpful for not getting cheap-shotted by Withered Foxy at the start of the night.

BB's Laughter - The Balloon Boy (often abbreviated in-game as BB) is a humanoid animatronic that attacks you through the left vent, and he speaks every time he moves from one camera to another. (He will say things like "Hello", "Hi", or just laugh.) When you hear him speak overlapped with the sound of vents clanging, you know that he is most likely in your left vent, and hearing him speak again after that means that he is peering at you out of the vent, and you should wear your mask to send him away. If you hear him looping his laughing sound, that means you have failed to do that, he is in your office for the rest of the night, and you will most likely die soon from a certain animatronic's pointy teeth.

Mangle's Static - The Mangle will produce a sound resembling radio static when you are viewing whatever camera he/she/yes is in, and will also produce that sound when he/she/yes is poking out of your right vent. When he/she/yes is looking out of your vent, you should put on your mask to send him/her/yes away.

Five Nights at Freddy's 3 --Most of these visual and sound cues are for keeping track of the wily Springtrap trying to reach you, but a few of them can help protect against the Phantoms pestering you as well.

Enemy at the Gate - When you hear an eerie, high-pitched humming sound, it means one of the animatronics is visible from your office. It's most often Phantom Freddy creeping by your window, but it may also be Springtrap either staring at you from the office window or preparing to attack from the door to your left.

Ventilation Alarms - When your ventilation systems have been offline for a few seconds, the lights in your office will flash red, and you can no longer see the cameras without hallucinating. While the lights are flashing, you may see multiple Springtraps on the cameras, which is, needless to say, a real problem. Fix the ventilation errors as soon as possible to avoid this issue.

Vent Pounding - When you hear the sound of vents rattling, it means Springtrap is currently in one of the vent cameras. Unless you find which one and close that vent quickly, he will travel to the room at the other end of the vent, getting much closer to you. (In fact, two of the vents in the attraction lead straight into your office, so watch out!)

Closet Shift - If you look over to your closet and see the closet door, which was slightly open, move shut, that means that Foxy is now inside of your closet, and that you must keep an eye on him from now on to prevent him from jumpscaring you.

Ballora's Music - This is the reason that it's advised to wear headphones that have surround sound when playing this game's Custom Night. When Ballora's music gets very loud, she is right outside of one of your doors. To be able to tell which door she's outside of, you must listen for which speaker of your headphones is producing the music, and shut the respective door.

Smaller Sound Cues - Hearing a high-pitched giggle means that Bonnet is moving across your screen, and that you should stop her as soon as possible. Hearing a squeaking sound means that the "Minireena 1" are draining your air, so you should shock that camera ASAP. Hearing vent clanging means that Bidybab is getting closer to you in the vent. It also has a voice clip that it says when it is right at the end of the vent. (But I don't remember what it is...)

Well, that's the end! (Because I know nothing about FFPS and I don't own VR! And, well, UCN kinda speaks for itself.) Also, on the topic of sounds, has anyone else noticed the ridiculously-polite knock that Funtime Foxy does on your door in SL's Custom Night? I suppose these animatronics are designed to be rented for parties, but still, hearing a soft knock on your door, and opening it up to see an eight-foot-tall animatronic fox is at least a little bit alarming!

I just got the fnaf Pizzeria Simulator and just made it to night 2. Everywhere I go I hear people say how crucial it is to wear headphones to detect in which vent the sound comes from. I was told the same thing back when I played Fnaf 4 but regardless of that I still made it to night 7 without headphones so I thought it would be possible with this game as well but this game seems to rely even more on sounds than fnaf 4 and I'm already struggling because I can't make out in which direction the sound comes from.

How much difference does it really make if I invest in a headset? Will it still be a bit of a challenge to make out where the sound is coming from or will it be clear as day? How much will it really reduce the difficulty of each level?

I'm a huge fnaf fan so I see it as a must to make it to the end of the game and if I have to invest in headphones to do it so be it but I need to know if it's actually worth it. Will I still struggle even if I get headphones and learn how the mechanism works?

After watching Mark's latest video on FNAF 2, the second I heard the alarm sound (that I'll be referring to)-- it somewhat triggered a special spot in my nostalgia, mostly calling back to the panic & stress; while also calling back to my mind screaming years ago: "WHAT THE **** IS THAT NOISE?"

I've looked up my question in a few different wordings to try to figure out what's MAKING the sound (not what's triggering the sound que), but most of the answers are just guessing or "it's just ambiance", despite it having a clear "alarm mechanic" to it. I've always imagined the sound being the metallic footsteps as they slowly approached when I first watched Mark's playthrough, but only one sound looping over and over for walking doesn't really match up.. it's like a bell that just continuously keeps dinging when detecting movement? PLUS, the audio seems to always be mono, or play from one spot and NOT play from the direction of the closest animatronic-- so the sound couldn't be coming from the animatronics themselves.

Obviously my original concept of what the sound was, is proven wrong, then what is it??? I'm way overly-interested in what the ambient alarm-like sound is, but I'm hoping to find an actual answer instead of just speculation; like not what you think it is or what you've heard by ear.

The motion detector will detect when the bots move. Simple. The audio lure will make the animatronic teleport to it with a 50% on their next MO, even the corners of the radius. It will also detect motion in it's radius. Silent ventilation is a weaker fan that is completely silent, but vents less air than the main fan. It will slow down the rise of temperature, and speed up cooling when used with the main fan.

I'll start with that first, when an animatronic makes it's way to the room next to you (not actually in the vent, but the room connecting to it), it will play a vent noise. When the animatronic makes it to the vent connecting to your office (actual danger), you will hear a louder sound. Here is a video with the sounds that you are listening for.

Once a minute has passed in the night, the animatronics will say a voice like upon moving to the room next to your vent. They can only do this once on each side, so if you hear a Scrap Baby voice line and she's on the left, that means if you hear her again she has to be on the right side.

Lets talk about player noise. The noise you make when playing the game. When there is an animatronic in the vent next to you, they will start listening. When they are listening, they will have an [x] chance of killing you the next time they move, depending on how much noise you are making. e24fc04721

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