This is where the analogy to a library breaks down; because with a library book, you are stuck. A new edition has to be printed, bought by the library and if you are lucky you somehow learn that this new edition exists and you can reread the book.

Not so with the CARM Server! The CARM Server notifies all clients that have downloaded a specific module of new versions of the module as soon as the new module arrives. Once the client receives this notification, there are several options: the client can decide to replace their version of the module with the new version, or keep the old version. The server can also be set up in such a way that replacement is automatic and the clients do not have any say in this process.

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Notes can be added to every object of the data model. As the notes are based on HTML, rich text as well as links to other documents (including pictures, sound files, videos) can be part of the notes. Notes can, of course, also be translated to other document languages.

The data model of APIS IQ-Software is very sophisticated and supports a huge number of complex filters. However, not all information aspects which are relevant for a specific company can be anticipated by the model. These aspects can be introduced into the data model via user defined attributes.

Every object of the data model can be attributed with an unlimited number of these user defined attributes. The attributes can be displayed (and therefore also printed) in the various editors of the software and they can be part of the search filters (queries) of the IQ-Explorer. Using user defined attributes can be compared to tagging web sites in a browser to add user generated contents.

There is no feature in the software which was not at one time required by one or more customers. Due to the large customer base of APIS IQ-Software, a lot of features have been added during the last 16 years. Although vitally important for the requestor, not every feature is meaningful for every user of IQ-Software. Therefore we provided two ways to exclude unwanted program components:

The Customization Manager lets you define different configurations of the software by specifying the editors that are included in the configuration as well as the commands that the editor is to support in the configuration.

Customized Tools (CT) are standalone applications developed and maintained by APIS. CT are targeted for specific user groups and often allow these groups only access to a limited set of objects of the underlying data model and a limited set of operations that can be performed.

Open Standards allow users to work with data from different applications. Using XML format is a state-of-the-art method for inter-application communication. APIS IQ-Software offers an extensive XML interface which converts text and contextual information into an open format. This interface works in both directions so that you can both export data into XML format as well as import XML data into IQ-Software format (e.g. fme). The interface also allows data to be stored and archived long term in simple text file. These files are self contained and can be read/interpreted using a number of operating systems and application software.

APIS IQ-Software supports two versions of XML-Specifications (DTD = Document Type Definition). The first is an official and open standard. It was created by a consortium of important manufacturers. This Version is msrfmea_2_1_2 (see and is supported by all versions of APIS IQ-Software from version V5.0d onwards. The second format is a draft version which is largely compatible to 2_1_2 but also contains some extensions and adjustments to newer versions of APIS IQ-Software. The following table shows the XML-specifications and their corresponding versions of APIS IQ-Software (click on the version you need to download the specification and documentation):

Modeling the system/process as a graphical tree offers unparalleled lucidity. For large systems, folding the parts of the tree that currently are not under consideration lets the team focus more effectively on the relevant items. of the tree can optionally be displayed in a separate window.

Processes are best created using a . Icons that show the type of the process can be attached to every item in the process flow. Selected regions of the diagram can be drawn with colored background. For every process step, the process characteristics are shown in a table which is integrated in the flow diagram.

Analyzing the functional relationships becomes more and more important for risk analysis with the increasing complexity of modern systems. APIS IQ-Software uses the function net for creating these relationships. In addition to the relations between functions, the function net editor can also display various context data for ease of understanding.

Identifying the relationship between failures is one of the most important tasks of risk analysis. APIS IQ-Software uses the failure net for creating these relationships. If a structure and Functional Analysis was performed, the failure net can also automatically be derived from the function net. In addition to the relations among failures, the failure net editor can also display various context data for ease of understanding.

Although actions can also be defined in other editors, the is the most popular editor for defining actions. But there is no such thing as the FMEA form. Instead, many countries (USA, Germany, Japan) and often companies also define their own form layout. APIS IQ-Software can also cope with this situation.

The form is automatically created based on the model as described above. With a single keystroke, different layouts (eg. or ) can be used, not only for viewing and printing the data but also for directly entering the data.

It is also possible to open an empty form in any of the supported layouts and to directly enter the data into this form, but with a support and user friendliness which greatly surpasses that of EXCEL or any other tool for filling in a tabular form.

The allows you to focus on those areas of the system/process where the most critical risk is to be expected. This analysis is linked to the rest of the model; so a single mouse click on a bar in a bar chart will for example open the FMEA form where the corresponding risk is described.

IQ-FMEA software offers import functionality for this. You simply open the xls file (Figure 3) through the file menu (Figure 2) and then use the import dialogue of the APIS IQ-Software to define the interpretation of the data in the table. This is done by assigning the columns of the table to the corresponding IQ-objects by selecting the IQ-object for a column from a provided list of objects (Figure 4).

The quantitative analysis for the functional safety of a system is becoming more and more important. Based on failure net methods, APIS IQ-Software offers to evaluate and calculate the necessary criteria.

IQ-Software creates iCalendar files based on the tasks in a document and emails them to the responsible persons. The notification mail contains a description of the tasks and has an attached iCalendar file. This can then be imported into Outlook (MS) or Lightning (Thunderbird).

Not only provide knowledge about the use of the APIS IQ-Software but also general information about the development of the FMEA. The different topics are explained and illustrated in a compact and understandable way.

By going through the learning units even the inexperienced user learns step by step how to build a system-, design- or process FMEA with the IQ-Software. Advanced users specifically use learning units to complement their knowledge.

APIS IQ-Software offers several possibilities for long time data archiving. Among these are the various export facilities as well as the Presentation Print using a PDF printer driver, and the Web Publisher which produces HTML documents. Both formats can be created automatically using the CSA Web Publisher service of the CARM-Server.

All of these formats can be viewed with third party tools (PDF viewers, web browsers), but it is not possible to automatically reconstruct the internal data model and therefore the interrelations between the data objects (eg. what are the causes of a certain failure?).

Therefore, IQ-Software offers an XML export which integrates all requirements: long term data storage plus the possibility to automatically reconstruct the data model. XML as a simple text format is future proof. So the interpretation of contents should be guaranteed for the foreseeable future. It will be possible to interpret this data even if the provider of the operating system has gone out of business.

Mechatronics Systems differ from conventional technical systems; to a certain degree, these systems allow for self-diagnoses and self-repair. They have built-in detection mechanisms for and reaction mechanisms to specific failures and can so often guarantee a failsafe error handling and increases operational readiness of the system under consideration.

Operating states, failure detections and reactions can be used as filter criteria. For example, in a failure net only paths with a certain failure detection or a certain operating state can be viewed and all others may be faded out.

Even if the system or process under consideration is only moderately complex, and the form is not longer than a few pages, it becomes more difficult and in the long run it eventually becomes virtually impossible to produce a complete and consistent risk analysis.

Studies which we performed more than 20 years ago, when we started research for a unique way of performing risk analysis showed us, that people tended to confuse causes and effects, could not communicate their results to other people who were not members of the team that initially produced the form and did not understand their own form after a few weeks had passed.

Sound reasoning about failures in a system is only possible when the workings of the system are sufficiently understood by all members of the team. This means that risk analysis must be based on an analysis (or a model) of the system/process under consideration which is as abstract as possible and as specific as necessary. Whenever a failure is introduced, the team must be absolutely clear that it knows which function of the system fails. Also, the physical component which produces the function must be known. 152ee80cbc

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