Enhancing Service Robots for Future Homes: Insights and Learnings
ICRA 2024 Forum
Yokohama, Japan, May 16th, 2024
13:30 - 17:30 Pacifico North G1 room
Thank You!
The organizers of the Enhancing Service Robots for Future Homes: Insights and Learnings Forum would like to thank all of our distinguished speakers for amazing talks and panel discussion and all the participants for engaging dialog.
About This Forum
Enhancing Service Robots for Future Homes: Insights and Learnings Forum is dedicated to fostering discourse pertaining to the research and advancement of service robots geared towards assisting people in their daily lives. This includes the investigation of various contributing domains, spanning from the areas of human-robot interaction and scene understanding to navigation and object manipulation necessary for creating an at-home service robot with humans in the loop.
Presently, pressing societal challenges, notably the increasingly aging population, offer a fertile ground for robotic researchers to investigate technological remedies. The constrained availability and expenses associated with elderly care compel a response within the robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) research community on domestic service robots capable of addressing the growing societal demand. This forum seeks to discuss recent technological advancements' impact on the way service robots are developed for such tasks and bring context of RoboCup competition environment.