FMA 11 - TWG Members convene to initiate roll-out of Management Framework

| by Jerian Figueroa

| June 15, 2022

FMA 11 - TWG members, BFAR (Regions 5, 6, and 7), and representatives from USAID-Fish Right Program posed with FMA 11 Chairperson, Remia A. Aparri (middle row, fourth from left) after the successful quarterly meeting

Following a series of virtual meetings and consultations, the Fisheries Management Area 11 Technical Working Group (FMA 11 - TWG) finally conducted its face-to-face meeting last June 9 to 10, 2022, at Figtree Hotel, Mandurriao, Iloilo City. This was a first after it was formed and approved by the Management Board (MB) earlier last year.

The meeting was led by BFAR 6 Regional Director and FMA 11 Chairperson Remia A. Aparri. Over 20 TWG members from participating Local Government Units (LGU), BFAR Provincial Fishery Offices (PFO), and associating organizations and fisheries sectors convene to discuss identified matters. Partners from BFAR-USAID Fish Right Program were also present.

During the input sessions, the group reviewed and adopted the TWG Internal Rules of Procedures. Unclear guidelines were clarified and revised upon agreement of the body. TWG members likewise discussed the roll-out of the FMA 11 Management Framework. Each province planned its next steps and approaches to relay the 5-year management framework plan to their stakeholders effectively. They also looked for schemes in harmonizing the provincial/alliance/municipal policies with the FMA 11 Framework and measures that could strengthen its implementation in the coming years. Furthermore, the group concurred on the selection process for LGU Representative to FMA 11 Management Board where the Local Chief Executives are co-terminus with their elective term. 

TWG members planning their next steps on the roll-out of FMA 11 Management Framework Plan in their respective provinces

The FMA 11 TWG has been the backbone for the operationalization of FMA 11 by providing necessary data, performing the groundwork, and formulating tangible strategies. This has led the FMA 11 as a frontrunner among the other FMAs of the country.