June 25, 2024

IEEE CAI Workshop on Foundation Models for Healthcare 

A Workshop at IEEE CAI 2024 in Singapore

About the Workshop

Foundation models have garnered significant attention from both research and industry communities. It holds profound potential for healthcare applications. These models, which can be trained using vast amounts of unlabelled data, including medical images, medical reports, and Electronic Medical Records (EMR), without requiring explicit data annotation, hold immense potential for healthcare AI. Their ability to be trained with diverse data from multiple sources offers numerous benefits, including reduced reliance on data annotation for fine-tuning and the capacity for robust generalization in real-world applications across various cohorts, ethnicities, and devices. This workshop aims to explore and advance the application of foundation models, especially multimodal foundation model including medical image, medical reports, genetic, etc. It will also look into foundation models from the lens of robustness, privacy preserving, explainable, federated and distributed perspectives in healthcare. The workshop will consist of keynote presentations, paper presentations, poster sessions, panel discussions, and hands-on tutorials to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among participants.

 Call For Papers

This workshop is intended for researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals interested in the intersection of foundation models and healthcare applications. Participants will gain insights into cutting-edge research, practical implementations, and ethical considerations related to utilizing foundation models in the healthcare sector. 

The workshop will bring together experts and researchers to delve into a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

Please refer to the Submission page for submission instructions. 

Important Dates

Abstract submission: 31 Mar 2024 30 Apr 2024

Paper submission: 7 Apr 2024 30 Apr 2024

Outcome notification: 28 Apr 2024 21 May 2024




Organizing Committee Members

Assoc Prof Yong Liu


Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR, Singapore

Assoc Prof Rick Siow Mong, Goh


Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR, Singapore

Asst Prof Xinxing Xu


Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR, Singapore

Prof Dacheng Tao, IEEE Fellow


ARC Laureate Fellow, School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney, Australia

Prof Dinggang Shen, IEEE Fellow


School of Biomedical Engineering at ShanghaiTech University, China

Prof Shuo Li


Case Western Reserve University, USA

Tentative List of Program Committee Members