You have provided or trying to use http: ^0.12.0 dependency on implementing API calls in pubspec.yaml file but flutter_test will require http: ^0.11.3+17. That's why it fails. Please replace

In my case IDE referred to an an older version of dart because of fvm. Seems like 'run' button called fvm flutter run, but not flutter run as I expected. After I deleted fvm folder from the project the problem has gone.

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Can you please provide the dependencies in your pubspec.yaml? It looks like your app depends on at least http 0.12.0 but flutter_test specifically requires http 0.11.3+17 (an older version) which makes it fail.

If your app doesn't have too many dependencies that could broke, you can try to upgrade your Flutter version: flutter upgrade.It most probably will fix this problem. But always be sure to understand that your app might break at unexpected places.So you're fine if:

My question is, is it not easier to port Flutter from Dart to Rust than to come up with a new GUI solution, the flutter team already did a great job of coming out with a nice UI framework, i want to believe it should be easier to port than writing and solving a new GUI solution from scratch

A "port" typically describes moving a code base from one OS/platform to another and making hopeful minimal changes to get it to run on the new target. It does not imply a total rewrite in a different language.

I have no idea but my gut feeling, from having done such things before, in different languages, is that we are looking at a total rewrite here and it is likely not at all an easy task. A reimplementation of the design.

The course of action is clear then. I suggest you choose one file, perhaps a small one, from the Flutter code base and set about rewriting in Rust. Then figure out a way to test that what you have works.

What often happens is the you need to reimplement large swathes of functionality from scratch because different languages prefer different ways of writing code and have different libraries/frameworks you can lean on. In particular, I feel like there will be a lot of friction because C++ and Dart like to have a lot of shared mutation, which is one of the things Rust goes to great lengths to avoid.

What often happens is the you need to reimplement large swathes of functionality from scratch because different languages prefer different ways of writing code and have different libraries/frameworks you can lean on

The basic Flutter component design is a better match than many such libraries, in that it explicitly separates the mutable data, notification of said data changing and the (externally) immutable component. These could be fairly well ported from an external API point of view.

I actually think porting the engine to rust and keeping the flutter widgets and libraries is a more interesting approach. Worked on flutter-rs a few years back and recently started building a flutter-engine in rust. Some of the advantages would be a smaller engine easier to build, modify and cross-compile. The c++ engine uses obscure Google build tooling and is gigantic. There are already quite a few components to make this work, including tiny-skia, fontdue, access kit, icu4x, fluent, winit, pixels, cargo-bundle & cargo-apk.

So I spent Friday kicking around some dart/flutter, mostly running in chrome, seems fun but it would be a lot of effort to switch given our dev team size etc ( theres 3 of us working on the Microsoft stack at the moment).

Also included are common ready-made form input fields for FormBuilder. This gives you a convenient way of adding common ready-made input fields instead of creating your own FormBuilderField from scratch.

Objectives:  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and mechanism of a misleading long post-pacing interval (PPI) upon entrainment of typical atrial flutter (AFL) from the cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI).

Results:  Eleven patients (18%) in the retrospective analysis had a long PPI-TCL after entrainment from the CTI. Subjects with long PPI-TCL had similar baseline characteristics but greater beat-to-beat TCL variability. In the prospective cohort, PPI-TCL was influenced by the difference between PCL and TCL and site of entrainment. Conduction delays associated with a long PPI-TCL were located predominantly in the segment activated first by the paced orthodromic wave front, and were mainly due to local pacing latency, as confirmed by the use of monophasic action potential catheters.

Conclusions:  A long PPI upon entrainment of typical AFL from the CTI is common and due to delayed conduction with entrainment. Whether these findings apply to other macro-re-entrant tachycardias warrants further investigation.

Hello Eurobricks users! I would like to share my LEGO Ideas project with you all. It is the Flutter airship from the Mega Man Legends (1996-2000) series of video games. This vehicle is iconic and recognizable to many video game fans outside of Mega Man. The model has exactly 3000 bricks and has three floors, much like the Flutter in its respective video games. The past decade has been a tough one for Mega Man Legends fans and Mega Man fans in general. With the cancellation of the highly anticipated Mega Man Legends 3 sequel in 2011, video game fans were left wondering when Mega Man Volnutt and his colorful cast would return. This set serves to quench some of the thirst for Legends 3 and introduce new fans to this unique Mega Man series using the familiar medium of LEGO. With the recent release of Mega Man 11 in 2018, the blue bomber is returning to the video game spotlight and accumulating a fresh, younger fanbase. What better time than now to release a LEGO Flutter?

I was trying to install Slidy, but with no success. Pub commands would not be recognized for nothing. So I decided to uninstall dart and flutter from my computer. Since I didn't found any tutorial on internet on how to remove flutter or dart, I just deleted dart directory from /usr/lib/dart and deleted my flutter installation directory. Now, every time I try to install dart, I get the following:

I am in the following situation:

I have a flake for flutter development.

It gets activated by direnv when I enter the project folder and performs the flutter setup.

After that, I run flutter create . to initialize the project.

The problem was the following:

NixOS does not install the android SDK in the default location (~/android/whatever), but instead in the nix store, as everything. Because of this, vscode/codium (and the flutter/dart extension therein) is only able to find it if we explicitly tell it using the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable.

Finally we have found the culprit! The sdk got installed in /nix/store/5sdq8zhi6cnf3wl6kjk4n3qrs6z9h1n7-androidsdk/libexec/android-sdk and the only way to make codium (and its extensions) aware of it was to invoke codium from inside the direnv shell. So simple now. Duh.

The BCI was deemed as the probable inciting factor for the new-onset AFL. BCI is termed as cardiac damage due to non-penetrating trauma to the heart and is mostly caused by motor vehicle accidents.[5] BCI is associated with multiple arrhythmias, ranging from benign or transient rhythms to life-threatening dysrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation has been the most frequently reported arrhythmia resulting from BCI, with few AFL cases mentioned.[6] The mechanism by which this occurs is multifaceted. Firstly, an intrathoracic bleed must be ruled out as the most likely cause of reflex tachycardia.[7] The blunt trauma may damage the cardiac autorhythmic, conducting cells, or contractile cells leading to conduction aberrancy.[8] Deduced from histologic studies, resultant microhemorrhages, inflammatory infiltrate with subsequent cardiac cell necrosis, and interstitial edema may contribute to cell injury.[9] The inflammation surrounding the vessels and potential intravascular rouleaux formation may also lead to local microvascular cardiac ischemia.[6] Additionally, the trauma force may start a reflex catecholamine surge that can further induce a tachyarrhythmia.[6,8] Previous meta-analyses had postulated that the risk of arrhythmia directly correlates with the force and speed of trauma but is inversely related to the area.[6,7] The severity of arrhythmia also corresponds with the timing of impact in relation to the cardiac cycle, as exemplified by cases of commotio cordis.[10]

To an engineer, the flutter phenomenon is known as a self-excitation. In other words, in the right conditions, an inherently stable structure can become unstable. Think back to the hand waving outside the car window: As the hand moves slightly, the air flow is altered, pushing back on the hand. If the hand responds to this force, it changes the air flow again, and on and on.

In the early days of flight, with little academic knowledge of flutter, pilots could encounter wing and tail flutter simply by flying into a sustained headwind at the wrong altitude. Engineers now believe that many early aircraft crashes were the result of flutter events.

Today, engineers and scientists aim to produce sophisticated mathematical models that accurately capture flutter. This can mean a variety of things, but, most importantly, it means the model makes predictions that can be verified in a controlled experimental setting. If this is the case, and the model is deemed viable, engineers and scientists can produce better designs with it.

A small metallic strip just centimeters long can be easily excited by a flow along its length, in a manner analogous to a flapping flag. This motion can generate a small amount of electrical power. A viable mathematical model could capture the complex interactions at play and help engineers more efficiently harvest this energy from everyday sources like wind or a moving car.

If little clips like this could flutter, then it might generate enough power to, say, charge an iPhone. One day, such flutter technology could help power remote areas and cut down on battery-related waste. ff782bc1db

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