With this approach, we can add all the relevant Dart files inside each feature folder, ensuring that they belong to the correct layer (widgets and controllers inside presentation, models inside domain, etc.).

In other words, I had applied a feature-first approach to the features folder, which represented my entire presentation layer. But I cornered myself into a layer-first approach for the remaining layers, and this influenced my project structure in an unintended way.

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When building Flutter apps, it's very common to have a ratio of 5:1 (or more) between UI code and business logic. If your presentation folder ends up with many files, don't be afraid to group them into sub-folders that represent smaller "sub-features".

Without even looking inside folders such as common_widgets, constants, exceptions, localization, routing, and utils, we can guess that they all contain code that is truly shared across features, or needs to be centralized for a good reason (such as localization and routing).

I can understand that there is some directory opened and it has to closes in order to clean. But I cannot understand which one is it. I tried restarting my computer to resolve this issue. But still when I run the command flutter clean I get the error.

Apparently, you need to download Microsoft's Process Explorer to help you figure out which program is that.It will let you know which app is handling that folder and you will also be able to kill that handle.

flutter lib folder and all dart file major red lines in vscodeso use this two commandsflutter cleanandflutter pub getit's workbut if your error android folder then you use other way to solve the problem

Note: There is a package available for minimizing this task without spending much time on creating or organizing files in flutter. If you wanted to create your own you can follow the below steps.

To take charge of all these problems we need to have a good file structure in our flutter app, and that is what we are going to discuss in this article. Although flutter does not give any recommendations in the structuring of the app, still we should do it in the best possible manner. To achieve the best possible file structure of a general flutter application we will divide it into seven parts. But before that one important thing that we always need to keep in mind is the naming of the file and directories must always be in the proper format. For instance, if someone is creating a social media app and wants to make a file to store data of its uses, then this is how it should be named.

Whenever we create a new project in flutter these are the files and directories that we are provided with. But these are just the bare basics we will add some other folders and files in the project that are listed below.

This directory is on the root level will contain all the static assets that are used in the application, for example, fonts, icons, logos, background images, demo videos, etc. It is very much recommended that we should have different directories for a different type of data for example images, videos & logos, should have a different folder of their own so that it becomes easier to maintain and access them.

This directory will contain the actual layout of the UI for the entire application. It can further be distributed into two-three folders. One which stored the flash screen and onboarding pages such as login/sign-up screen, the second folder can store the home screen and other generally used screens, and the third folder can contain screens that are not that important

It becomes clear all by the name itself that this folder will hold all the static widgets or the widgets that are used multiple times in the application. For example, if it is a social media app like Instagram, the list view of all the suggested friends is always the same, the only thing that changes in the data. Or if it is a weather app the tile which shows a particular location is the same for all the location, the only thing that change is the name of the place.

Over a year ago I reported an issue regarding Flutter tools creating a vast number of temporary files in the windows temp folder. I am surprised to see that this is still causing problems and other users are being affected. For example one user found over 90 GB in the temp folder and starting times went from 8 to 70 seconds.

So if you develop Flutter on a windows machine, check your computer temp folder (AppData/Local/Temp) and see if you have the same issue. If so please support the call to correct the issue. It needs more than a simple procedure to delete existing files, as all this will do is shorten the life of your ssd.

A package can also choose to have assets in its lib/folder that are not specified in its pubspec.yaml file.In this case, for those images to be bundled,the application has to specify which ones to include in itspubspec.yaml. For instance, a package named fancy_backgroundscould have the following files:

You can add the version symlink for a dynamic switch. VS Code will always use the version selected within the project for all IDE tooling. Also, remove the Flutter SDK from search to make things easier. Just create a folder inside the project called .vscode and then create a file called settings.json and add the following file:

Hello everyone,

I am new here want to be an author at themeforest and upload my flutter UI kit. Can any one suggest me if I have to maintain the folder structure mentioned in the Quality & Technical requirement page? which is -

*When submitting a new project make sure it has a logical folder structure with individual folders for

You can create an instance for a specific folder in the File Store using the getFolderInstance() method, and enable the methods defined in this class to access the instance object. You must pass the Folder ID of that folder to the getFolderInstance() method, as shown in the code syntax below.

A: The Firebase console will help youdownload the google-services.json.In addition, the Quickstart guides for most APIs have instructions forgenerating this file.Once you have downloaded the google-services.json file, copy itinto the app/ folder of your Android Studio project, or into theapp/src/{build_type} folder if you are using multiple build types.

The folder structure of unit and widget tests should be the same as the folder structure ofproduction code. The name of the test file should be the same as the name of the production file,with the _test suffix added (lib/common/string_util.dart -> test/common/string_util_test.dart).

so, in general manually deleting the build folder wont cause you to lose data / code, but it may cause difficult to track down errors sometime. a better approach might be to run flutter clean when you are done to free up space.

this will redownload the packages specified in your project's pubspec.lock file. if you also delete pubspec.lock then flutter pub get will get the most recent non-breaking versions based on your pubspeck.yaml file. ff782bc1db

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