Technically, the bridges in A and F are completely redundant, and you should get exactly the same split/merge behavior if you take them out. I was going to write a post on this topic, but since you already started one, I'll make a few comments here.

The key to understand is that this behavior is not about *bridges*. It's about *sources* and *sinks*. The green outlet box is a "source", and the white inlet box is a "sink". And *all* sources and sinks exhibit this behavior, whether they are on a bridge, a shutoff, a refinery, a pump, etc. That's the point @chemie was making.

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This rule is almost always the reason you see a packet "bouncing" inside a pipe. For instance, if you have a stream of reservoirs with a single input line going through their sinks, a packet will normally go into the first reservoir until it is full. Then, it will flow into the second until it is full, etc. However, if you start draining packets from the first reservoir, then a packet that has made it past the first and is on its way to the second will decide that it should turn around instead. Thus, if you want uninterrupted input flow, you need to always drain from the *last* reservoir *first* (making them a LIFO buffer, or stack).

Another common scenario is where a bridge or shut-off input has an overflow bypass. Without another bridge to prevent backflow, it is possible for packets to bypass the bridge or shut-off, and then turn around and go back because the shut-off opened up or the bridge became unblocked. In most scenarios, it is possible to solve "bouncing" by forcing a flow direction with a bridge (note that a bridge is not at all magical with just takes advantage of the fact that packets can only go *into* a sink, and *out of* a source).

1) Important: A bridge split will skip a full pipe's turn and put the packet into the next pipe immediately. If you remove the bridge, all 2-3 output pipes get their turn even if full resulting in every other/third packets on flowing pipes 100% of the time. A 4 way bridge split will send 100% of packets the flowing direction when the other 3 pipes are full.

Sorry, but I just observed behavior contrary to 1). If one branch is full on a plain pipe split, I observe that the other branch is taken with no delay. When you see the turns being taken by both branches, I assert it is because the pipe is just "mostly blocked" and clears up enough to trick the pipe engine into sending a packet down a branch, but then some other packet takes a spot downstream, and it becomes blocked again. If you can construct a scenario with a plain pipe branch where one branch is hard-blocked (like shutoff/valve) and you get less than full 1 m/s flow on the other branch, then I will recant.

I think you might be right about F, but there's definitely a difference with A, specifically when one line is backed up. Without the bridge, the pipe that's not blocked will receive packets at half the rate. With the bridge, full flow will be maintained. Try it in game and the difference will be obvious.

F does no such thing. There are two sources on the input side of the bridge, so even if the vent is overpressured, packets will never flow backwards towards a pump. If you had a combination of sources and sinks on the input side, then directionality becomes essential. But notice that this is handled in the "go towards closest sink" rule.

Users can model bridges directly inside of 2D flow areas. Bridges inside of 2D flow areas can handle the full range of flow regimes, from low flow to pressure flow, and combined pressure flow and flow going over top of the bridge deck or roadway. Users enter bridge data inside of 2D Flow Areas similarly to the modeling of bridges in a 1D model. Additionally, users have the same low flow (energy, momentum, and Yarnell) and high flow (energy and pressure/weir) bridge modeling approaches available for 1D bridge modeling (except the WSPRO low flow method is not available for 2D modeling).

The amount of force given to each cell is based on the percentage of the total flow passing through that particular set of cells. This 2D modeling approach allows for varying flow, water surface, and velocity at each of the cells around the centerline of the bridge opening. Therefore, the flow is still computed as two-dimensional flow through and over top of the bridge. Flow can pass at any angle through the bridge opening based on the hydraulics of the flow and the number of cells being used to represent the bridge opening.

To add a bridge inside of a 2D flow area, open the Geometric Data editor (accessed from the HEC-RAS main window by clicking the Edit | Geometric Data menu command) and select the SA/2D Area Conn drawing tool (Figure 3-49), from the tool bar across the top of the editor. Draw the centerline of the bridge from left to right looking downstream. In the example shown in Figure 3-49, the bridge centerline is only laid out for the bridge opening.

The user has the choice of just modeling the main bridge opening with this structure (including the bridge abutments), or also including the entire road embankment (left and right of the bridge opening). If the approaches for the entire roadway are included in the structure, then the family of rating curves will include flow over the left and right roadway approaches, as well as flow through and over the bridge. However, if the user chooses to model just the main bridge opening with the structure, then the family of bridge rating curves will only include flow going through and over the main bridge opening.

The left and right embankments can be modelled as either normal 2D flow cells and faces (solving the general 2D equations), or separate hydraulic structures can be laid out for the left and right roadway approaches. Using separate hydraulic structures for the roadway approaches allows the user to change the elevation of the roadway, instead of using the raw terrain elevations; furthermore, using separate hydraulic structures allows the weir equation to compute the overflow (if desired) and breaching of the embankments. Additionally, these separate SA/2D hydraulic connections can be used to breach the roadway embankments, if desired.

As shown in Figure 3-52, the user must enter the Distance (this is the distance from the upstream side of the bridge deck to the cross section upstream outside of the bridge; the Width of the bridge deck in the direction of flow; a Weir Coefficient for flow going over the road way; and the Station (distance from left to right along the bridge deck/roadway), High Chord, and Low Chord elevations for the upstream and downstream side of the bridge deck.

The Connection Bridge Modeling Approach Editor (Figure 3-56) is very similar to the bridge modeling approach editor for 1D bridges. The user can select one or more low flow bridge hydraulic methods (water stays below the low chord of the bridge deck and does not pressurize the bridge opening) and take the Highest Energy Answer as the selected answer. Available Low Flow Methods are: Energy, Momentum, and Yarnell. The WSPRO low flow bridge modeling method was removed, from this editor in HEC-RAS Version 6.0, as it requires approach and exit cross sections which are not available inside of a 2D flow area.

The High Flow Methods are: Energy Only and Pressure and/or Weir flow. The Pressure and/or Weir high flow method should be used when the bridge deck blocks a significant amount of the flow area, and the resulting upstream water surface will be significantly higher than the downstream water surface. This situation will cause the flow going over the roadway to pass through critical depth, much like a normal weir. In general, the Energy high flow method should be used if the bridge deck is a smaller portion of the flow area, and the resulting upstream and downstream water surface will not be significantly different. Click OK to save the selected bridge modeling approach and return to the Connection Data Editor.

As show in Figure 3-57, the user must enter the following information: Number of points on free flow curve (maximum is 100), Number of submerged curves (maximum is 60), Number of points on each submerged curve (maximum is 60), and Head water maximum elevation. The Tail water maximum elevation is optional, as is the Maximum Flow. However, the maximum flow is recommended as it will help control the limits of the connection hydraulic property table. Click OK to close the editor and return to the Connection Data Editor.

For modeling bridges inside of a 2D flow area, HEC-RAS will automatically create the four needed cross sections for pre-processing the bridge hydraulics into a family of curves. These four cross section locations are:

After the user has entered the bridge data and has ensured that the mess/cells and the 1D cross sections are well formed around the bridge, then the user must run the 2D Geometric Preprocessor to generate the bridge family of curves (which is computed for each bridge in the model). If HEC-RAS detects that the Geometric Preprocessor needs to be computed, then the software automatically runs the preprocessor before an unsteady flow simulation. However, the user can just run the Geometric Preprocessor, without performing the full Unsteady Flow computations, to view the bridge curves before the unsteady flow computations are performed. Either way, once the geometric preprocessor is run, the user can view the family of curves for each of the bridges in the model. 0852c4b9a8

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