Best Florist In Mission Viejo, CA

Florist in Mission Viejo CA

There's nothing like a bouquet of flowers to perk up your mood and spruce up your home! Plus, it's also one of the most precious and heartwarming gifts we can receive on special occasions. Sadly, we all know that flowers don't last forever. But with a little initiative and a good deal of TLC, you can keep your precious blossoms fresh and blooming for longer! We've provided a simple guideline to help you preserve your beloved flowers' vibrance for a long time. Enjoy your lovely bouquet to the fullest by following these simple steps!

Containers collect a lot of dust and dirt that can make your water cloudy and infect your flowers. Even if your vase is newly-bought, make sure to wash it for safety. Cleaning your vase is actually effortless and inexpensive - you'll have everything you need right at home! Just wash with warm water, a lid of bleach, and let it dry. Another DIY cleaning alternative is a salt and vinegar paste. Simply mix a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of vinegar, spread the mixture to your vase with a clean cloth or brush, and let it set for half an hour. Afterwards, wipe it off until all residue is removed, rinse out with lukewarm water, and leave to dry.

Yes, you read it right: cut flowers need food, too! It enables them to bloom in full health and helps ward off infections that can shorten their lifespan. Flower food has three components: 1) citric acid, which balances the pH level of water for tip-top health; 2) sugar, which boosts their energy; and 3) bleach, which curbs fungi and bacterial growth. Your local nursery or online stores may have flower food packets readily available. But if you plan to make your own at home, the recipe is easy to follow! All you need is 1 quart of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of bleach, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. There are also plenty of alternatives to this recipe! Clear soda, apple cider vinegar, and even vodka have been proven effective at nourishing flowers.

Leaves and foliage that are kept on the stems and soaked in water will rot easily, introducing bacteria to your flowers which can bring about disease and infection. So it's a good idea to prune your flowers before placing them in your vase and see to it that there are no leaves below the waterline. One of the primary tips for keeping flowers fresh is to cut their stems! This technique creates a wider opening at the bottom of the stem, allowing your blooms to take in more water and delay wilting. Simply cut an inch from the stems at a 45-degree angle. It's important to be very careful, though! Poor cutting techniques can easily result in crushed stems which keep your flowers from absorbing water. To prevent this, refrain from using dull scissors or blades. Use a sharp knife or sharp shears instead for a guaranteed smooth and clean cut.

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