Florida Truck Accident Laywer

How Florida Truck Accident Lawyer Help You Get Justice

Among the list of dangerous professions, truck driving finds a place in the deadliest top-10. When it comes to Florida it is a little more dangerous with relatively high truck accident fatalities. Over 15 million trucks, big rigs, and semi-trucks ply on the U.S. roads to keep the economy moving. Unfortunately, over 400,000 trucks meet accidents every year, nearly 1100 a day, resulting in over 100,000 crash-related injuries and over 3500 fatalities. According to the U.S. government report, 65% of on-the-job deaths of truck drivers are caused by crashes and road accidents. The high chance of error and exceptionally high level of risk involved in truck driving makes it necessary for people involved in the truck transport business to hire a trained and experienced truck accident lawyer in Florida.

Several factors can cause truck accidents. Whether the accident is due to your or the other party’s negligence or mechanical failure, you have every right to protect your life and property. Whatever is the cause, some of which are listed here, if you or a family member is involved in a truck accident in Florida, you should get in touch with an experienced truck accident lawyer in Florida within a reasonable time to manage the situation effectively.

Distraction: Driving 40-50 tons giant requires unhindered focus. Unfortunately, it is not humanly possible to remain deeply focused on the move. A little distortion could be catastrophic, not just for you but for others on the road. There are several limitations like a maximum of 14 hours a day driving with reasonable rest breaks and not drive 60-70 hours consecutively in 7/8 days. Despite the following limitations, accidents happen. A trained truck accident lawyer can help you deal with legalities involved in accidents caused due to distractions.

Fatigued Driving: No matter how passionate you are to deliver goods in time, your body is conditioned to work efficiently only when you take a rest. Unfortunately, your extra effort affects your motor skills. If an accident is due to extra pressure to perform and deliver, your Florida truck accident lawyer can help you deal with the situation.

Drunken Driving: In the state of Florida, you will be arrested if you are driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The blood alcohol level should be within .08%, but for truck drivers, it should be within 0.04%. If the cause of the accident is drunken driving, a criminal proceeding could be initiated with a fine and if one or more people are injured truck driver could incur civil liability. You know it better, who could defend you in the court o law.

Speeding: Driving a truck loaded with 30-40 tons of cargo beyond the specified safe speed limit is a sure recipe for disaster. The speed limit varies from state to state and location to location. If you think, you are a victim of high speeding truck you should consult a truck accident lawyer to get reasonable compensation and justice.

Tailgating: Truck drivers are expected to maintain optimum distance from other vehicles. If tailgating causes an accident, your Florida truck accident lawyer can help you recover damages and get claims.

Truck drivers are duty-bound to follow FMCSA regulations related to loading limits, health and safety standards, lighting systems, and other prohibitory guidelines to avoid accidents. Violations of federal and state regulations attract hefty fines. The best is to follow rules and regulations and drive safely, but if you think you are wrongly punished for someone else’s deeds, you should better consult a specialized truck accident lawyer to get justice.