Flora Li 李准成


My primary research focuses on exploring the behavioral motivations of human decision-making using methods of experimental economics, behavioral economics, and neuroeconomics.

My current research uses both theoretical and experimental methods to examine belief-dependent social emotion models and considers how threats and promises affect social decision-making.

A related strand of research examines how neuromodulation using tDCS and cognitive load affects individual decision making and evaluates other regarding preferences and choice rationality. My current project investigates adolescents' ambiguous decision-making with neural imaging.

Research Positions

Sept 2020 - Present Assistant Professor, Economics Experimental Lab, Nanjing Audit University

Mar 2019 - Aug 2020 Postdoctoral Associate, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, Virginia Tech

Feel free to contact me at florali@nau.edu.cn and (+86)13921077408.

You can download my CV at here.