Last Updated: March 16th, 2024

Welcome to Flirtease, where we provide services for your enjoyment!

Flirtease (hereinafter referred to as "we") has crafted this privacy policy in accordance with applicable national laws, regulations, and technical standards. This policy outlines the terms governing the collection, use, storage, protection, disclosure, and sharing of your personal information. We advise reading this policy in full and making informed choices in line with its guidelines when necessary. To ensure comprehensive understanding, terms in this policy significantly affecting your rights and interests are bolded for emphasis.

Key points of this Privacy Policy include:

Personal Information We Might Collect

A. Information Provided During Product Use

A.1 Information provided during registration and login

A.1.1 You have the option to log in to our product as a guest for quick access;

A.1.2 When creating an account and logging into our products, you may be required to register using your phone number or email account. We may collect this information.

A.1.3 Alternatively, you can utilize third-party platforms such as Facebook, Google, Line, and Twitter to create an account and log in to our products. In this scenario, we may collect publicly available information from your third-party platform account, including profile pictures, nicknames, account IDs, Open IDs, Device IDs, and related data.

A.2 Information provided via feedback

When seeking information related to our products, technical support, or contacting us, we may request certain personal details, including your account information, email address, phone number, device ID, system language, and app version.

B. Other information collected during product use

B.1 When using other functions of our services, with your consent, we may collect relevant device information such as device ID, device name, device type, version, system version, IP address, application ID, network connection status, and network access method. This information is collected to ensure product functionality, optimize performance, and safeguard account security.

Note: We may collect your [IMEI, IMSI, MAC address] if your Android device's system version is below 6.0. We recommend updating to 6.0 or higher for security purposes.

B.2 Permissions for specific functions

B.2.1 External device storage permission may be requested to save product data and support picture uploads for feedback.

B.2.2 Network connection status may be checked to provide traffic reminders.

B.2.3 Message notification permissions may be requested to convey relevant product information.

B.2.4 Microphone permission may be requested for voice playback, input, and recording features within the product.

B.2.5 This app allows you to upload a personal profile picture to be displayed on your profile page. The uploaded profile picture will be stored on our servers to ensure it can be properly displayed and used to identify your account. Your profile picture may be shown to other users to help identify you. We will not use or share your uploaded profile picture for any other purposes beyond this. 

For specific function permission settings, please refer to your device's provider or contact us for assistance.

C. Additional information collection

C.1 Other information may be collected during the use of additional services within our products, such as purchasing services or items. We receive payment verification information confirming completed transactions from the payment service provider (Google) to provide corresponding products and services.

Please note that individual device information, payment verification data, and other collected information cannot personally identify individuals. If combined with other information to identify specific individuals or combined with personal data, such non-personal information will be anonymized and de-identified unless authorized otherwise or required by law.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies and similar technologies may be used to enhance your experience. These technologies are utilized only for purposes described in this policy. You can manage or disable these technologies through device settings or provider webpages, though this may impact product/service functionality.

How We Use Your Personal Information

A. Information Usage Policy

We adhere to laws, regulations, and agreements with users in utilizing collected information. Data collected is analyzed for product operation, performance optimization, and service security without merging with personally identifiable information you provide.

B. Changes to Information Usage and Consent Reconfirmation

Information collected will be used within the scope of this Privacy Policy. Any usage beyond this scope will prompt modification of the Privacy Policy with reconfirmation of consent before collecting additional personal information.

Third-Party Services

Third-party SDKs or similar applications may be integrated to enhance services. We ensure third parties adhere to this policy or separate agreements and implement security measures to protect personal information. Please review third-party privacy policies for additional insights.

How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

We do not actively share, provide, or transfer personal information to third parties unless stipulated in this policy or with explicit user consent. We refrain from selling user information and strictly maintain confidentiality per relevant laws and regulations.

How We Store and Protect Your Information

A. Personal Information Storage

We store collected personal data according to relevant privacy laws and regulations, both domestically and internationally, within permissible legal confines.

Upon cessation of services, we and third-party partners cease personal information collection, provide advance notice per regulations, and delete or anonymize data unless otherwise required by law.

B. Information Security Measures

We employ strict security systems and industry-wide technologies to prevent loss, leakage, destruction, or misuse of personal information. However, absolute security cannot be guaranteed. Users are encouraged to exercise caution, and we provide security features to aid personal information protection.

Protection of Minors' Privacy

We verify age to provide appropriate advertising services while strictly adhering to laws and regulations for minor privacy protection. We do not use minor user information for other purposes or combine it with additional data.

Rights to Manage Your Personal Information

Users have rights to inquire, copy, correct, supplement, and delete personal information. Account deletion requests are also honored after identity verification. Note that deleting certain information may affect service availability.

Special Notification for Residents in Other Regions

Special notifications apply to residents in California, U.S., and the E.U. regarding privacy rights and deletion requests. Legal obligations may prevent immediate compliance in certain cases.

Update of This Privacy Policy

We may update this policy in compliance with legal requirements and service improvements. Updates will be reflected in the "Last Updated" date. Continued use of the platform after updates indicates acceptance of the revised policy.


All questions, comments or enquiries should be directed to flirtease ai at We will endeavor to respond to any query or questions within three business days.
