Flinch is a somewhat complicated attribute both for the weapon dealing flinch and also the weapon receiving flinch. Weapons dealing flinch are affected primarily by damage (per shot), high caliber rounds, explosive payload, and timed payload. Weapon receiving flinches is affected by the unflinching mods and hidden values for each weapon (think cloud strike vs. frozen orbit). As well as no distractions.

I will probably do a follow up post about hidden flinch values between different snipers. But as a brief explanation of how data was collected, my friend shot me repeatedly in the same place with different weapons (fate bringer, ace of spades, palindrome) while I aimed at the same place on him. And measured pixels from where I was aimed to "peak" of flinch. Here's what I found:

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My anger, that anger, comes from the flinch between being invisible and then suddenly not to someone. You realize you weren\u2019t being seen, heard, paid the respect others collect by being a body there and breathing. And when you are seen it\u2019s with surprise, incredulity, distrust, a caveat to materializing. You\u2019re a barrier, but barely. That anger is as dormant as the feeling it takes to provoke it, but rises reliably as hackles along an animal\u2019s back when it smells threat or blood.

My instant reaction when getting shot at by a person that I can not see is to slide in to cover and, find out where they are and fight back. That's how I have played from the start...until season 1 that is where I can no longer do that as when I get shot at my character flinches. I can't sprint, I can't slide, I can do nothing but turn and face my death. You've lowered survival time exp and made it harder to survive in general. You've gone and turned this in to a "who see's who first wins" CoD type of crapfest.

I can understand to a certain point them thinking "Hey, if we add maor flinch then the small hitboxed characters will have to slow down when they are hit" but that's not the right move at all, it just ruins the experience and makes it so you don't stand a fighting chance if you get seen by some dude from behind.

A flinch is a frustrating, tormenting affliction, an inability to pull a perfectly good, working trigger that obstinately and persistently refuses to fire. Despite a mighty effort, the paralyzed-finger cannot pull the trigger initiating the flinch, throwing the muzzle wildly off the target, completely spoiling the shot. For the shooter, this is beyond exasperating leading to a host of miserable problems and the desperate search for any relief.

This you can take to the bank. Predictably and inevitably, shooting heavy loads on a regular basis will result in flinching. The harmful effects of all recoil are cumulative, and long sessions of excessive recoil will introduce you to flinching, like it or not, agree with me or not. Put enough physical stress on the body and the body will react defensively. Head lifting and flinching are two common side effects of unrelenting heavy recoil. Performances and scores can only suffer, not to mention the unspoken retina detachments, neck and shoulder injuries. All of this is unnecessary and avoidable. A flinch is infinitely easier to prevent than it is to cure.

Parents need to know that Flinch is a British game show that shows people who participate in potentially dangerous stunts and receive painful but tolerable punishments (electric shocks, having hot wax poured on them, getting snapped by mousetraps, etc.) when they react, or "flinch." Occasionally protective gear is worn, and no one suffers permanent injuries, but contestants are shown yelping in pain while others laugh. Viewers of all ages should be reminded to never try anything they see here at home.

FLINCH is a British reality competition where people must avoid reacting to stressful or scary situations in order to avoid pain. Set on an Irish farm, presenters Seann Walsh, Lloyd Griffith, and Desiree Burch choose contestants to play on their behalf. Each player must participate in a series of challenges that present unexpected or frightening moments, during which they must avoid flinching. Every time a player reacts during their particular challenge, a quick and painful punishment, such as being quickly shocked with a cattle prod or being dunked in icy dirty water, is administered. A point is also given to the corresponding host. At the end of the episode, the host with the most points must endure their own flinch challenge.

"I couldn't be more proud of a group, I really couldn't at this point in the regular season," McDermott said. "To a person, they didn't flinch. They were focused, they supported one another, and they supported me. And I don't take that for granted at all. I'm just super proud of those guys and just a super resilient group."

When watching something on full screen, say from Apple TV, the screen on my MacBook Air flicks, or flinches, every few seconds. Nothing changes on the videos, or image, but it feels like it's constantly blinking on me. Anyone having similar issues? e24fc04721

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