Flaxseed's TOS

Hello! Thanks for your interest in commissioning me. These are my terms of service. By requesting a commission from me, you are agreeing to everything written below. Hopefully it will answer all of your questions, but if you're missing something you can always contact me via my various channels and I'll try my best to help!

General info

Will and won't draw

I am very easygoing and will draw a lot of things, even if I'm not personally into it. If you're not sure, please don't hesitate to ask. Very few things are "too extreme" for me and I will never judge!

What I will draw

What I may draw

These subjects will have to be considered on a case-by-case basis. Shoot me a message with your idea if you're not sure.

What I won't draw

I don't necessarily have a problem with any of these, I just don't want to specialize in them.


Important: Please notify me if you want your commission to be confidential! If you don't say anything, I will assume I can post the finished picture to my galleries.


When paying with Commiss.io: Conditions vary on a listing-by-listing basis. Check their site policy!

When paying with Paypal: If you wish to request a refund before work has started, a 95% refund can be issued (5% is to cover nonrefundable transaction fees). When an approval sketch has been requested and provided, 50% may be refunded. If the commissioner decides to forego viewing an approval sketch, no refunds can be issued. Of course changes can still be made at this point, and I will try my best to bring the work to a satisfactorily conclusion.

Please do not use Paypal's chargeback system! This is meant for disputes about physical objects, not digital services such as the one I provide. I am a professional and reasonable person and more than happy to discuss anything you might be dissatisfied with. 

If you're simply trying to rip me off, you will end up on a public blacklist.