When the control leaves the block of the using statement, an acquired IDisposable instance is disposed. In particular, the using statement ensures that a disposable instance is disposed even if an exception occurs within the block of the using statement. In the preceding example, an opened file is closed after all lines are processed.

You can also use the using statement and declaration with an instance of a ref struct that fits the disposable pattern. That is, it has an instance Dispose method, which is accessible, parameterless and has a void return type.

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In the preceding example, after control leaves the using statement, a disposable instance remains in scope while it's already disposed. If you use that instance further, you might encounter an exception, for example, ObjectDisposedException. That's why we recommend declaring a disposable variable within the using statement or with the using declaration.

To run any of the code samples in this document, you'll need a Google account, access to the Internet, and a web browser. If you are using one of the API client libraries, also see the language-specific requirements below.

You can use this parameter for several purposes, such as directing the user to the correct resource in your application, sending nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery. Since your redirect_uri can be guessed, using a state value can increase your assurance that an incoming connection is the result of an authentication request. If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client's state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery. See the OpenID Connect documentation for an example of how to create and confirm a state token.

The code constructs a Flow object, which identifies your application using information from the client_secret.json file that you downloaded after creating authorization credentials. That object also identifies the scopes that your application is requesting permission to access and the URL to your application's auth endpoint, which will handle the response from Google's OAuth 2.0 server. Finally, the code sets the optional access_type and include_granted_scopes parameters.

Google's OAuth 2.0 server authenticates the user and obtains consent from the user for your application to access the requested scopes. The response is sent back to your application using the redirect URL you specified.

When refreshing an access token or using incremental authorization, the token may have expired or has been invalidated. Authenticate the user again and ask for user consent to obtain new tokens. If you are continuing to see this error, ensure that your application has been configured correctly and that you are using the correct tokens and parameters in your request. Otherwise, the user account may have been deleted or disabled.

A call to the drive.files endpoint (the Drive Files API) using the Authorization: Bearer HTTP header might look like the following. Note that you need to specify your own access token:GET /drive/v2/files HTTP/1.1Host: www.googleapis.comAuthorization: Bearer access_tokenHere is a call to the same API for the authenticated user using the access_token query string parameter:

This Python example uses the Flask framework and the Requests library to demonstrate the OAuth 2.0 web flow. We recommend using the Google API Client Library for Python for this flow. (The example in the Python tab does use the client library.)

Port numbers can be included in HTTP referrer restrictions. If you include aport number, then only requests using that port are matched. If you do notspecify a port number, then requests from any port number are matched.

The ID is not the same as the display name or the key string. You can getthe ID by using thekeys.listmethod, with the showDeleted query parameter set to true.The key ID is listed in the uid field of the response.

Normally, the interest you earn on your savings bonds becomes part of your gross income for tax purposes. Under certain conditions, though, you can avoid taxes on the interest by using it to pay for higher education.

Update April 7, 2017:  Great article on using DSC to track down machines with SMB1 installed or enabled: -smb1-in-your-environment-with-d... 

  Update June 19, 2017  - Group Policy to disable SMB1: -smbv1-through-group-policy/ 

  Update June 30, 2017  - You have probably seen me announce this on twitter and in other public venues:  Windows 10 RS3 (Fall Creators Update) and Windows Server 2016 RS3 have SMB1 uninstalled by default under most circumstances: . The full removal has begun. Make sure you check for products that may require updates or replacement to be used without the need for SMB1.  

 Update July 7, 2017:  if your vendor requires disabling SMB2 in order to force SMB1, they will also often require disabling oplocks. Disabling Oplocks is not recommended by Microsoft, but required by some older software, often due to using legacy database technology. Windows 10 RS3 and Windows Server 2016 RS3 allow a special oplock override workaround now for these scenarios - see . This is only a workaround - just like SMB1 oplock disable is only a workaround - and your vendor should update to not require it. Many have by now (I've spoken to some, at least) and their customers might still just be running an out of date version - call your suppliers.

This course is the first of a two-course sequence: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, and Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science. Together, they are designed to help people with no prior exposure to computer science or programming learn to think computationally and write programs to tackle useful problems. Some of the people taking the two courses will use them as a stepping stone to more advanced computer science courses, but for many it will be their first and last computer science courses. This run features lecture videos, lecture exercises, and problem sets using Python 3.5. Even if you previously took the course with Python 2.7, you will be able to easily transition to Python 3.5 in future courses, or enroll now to refresh your learning.

Reviewers are trusted and required to maintain confidentiality throughout the application review process. Thus, using AI to assist in peer review would involve a breach of confidentiality. In a recently released guide notice, we explain that NIH scientific peer reviewers are prohibited from using natural language processors, large language models, or other generative AI technologies for analyzing and formulating peer review critiques for grant applications and R&D contract proposals.

Ensuring confidentiality means that scientists will feel comfortable sharing their candid, well-designed, and thorough research ideas with us. Generative AI tools need to be fed substantial, privileged, and detailed information to develop a peer reviewer critique on a specific grant application. Moreover, no guarantee exists explaining where AI tools send, save, view, or use grant application, contract proposal, or critique data at any time. Thus, using them absolutely violates our peer review confidentiality expectations.

Thanks for sharing these thoughts and developing a clear policy. An in-depth exploration of the impact of using Generative AI on the scholarly peer review system, including concerns about confidentiality were discussed in an article published in May 2023 in the journal of research integrity and peer review:

I fully agree with the above comments. Confidentiality is easily maintained using local LLM instances, among other methods. And LLMs far better suited than OpenAI products, are readily available with new and better ones being produced almost weekly.

I read all the comments posted so far, and yes, I am accustomed to using AI assistance to create language of greater clarity in a shorter time, thus being more productive. It is important that we stay aware of false information with generative AI and the possibility of confidentiality breaches. Our responsibility remains to minimize the chances of confidentiality breaches to zero whenever possible. But not using AI assistance is not the answer, and a global ban on anything that assists with this new technology would be an overreaction. As with any new technology, there will be adjustments over time, and things will sort out. ff782bc1db

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