Last April, Dong Nguyen, a quiet 28-year-old who lived with his parents in Hanoi, Vietnam, and had a day job programming location devices for taxis, spent a holiday weekend making a mobile game. He wanted it to be simple but challenging, in the spirit of the Nintendo games he grew up playing. The object was to fly a bug-eyed, big-lipped, bloated bird between a series of green vertical pipes. The quicker a player tapped the screen, the higher the bird would flap. He called it Flappy Bird.

Flappy Bird is a mobile game developed by the Vietnamese video game artist and programmer Dong Nguyen (Vietnamese: Nguyn H ng), under his game development company .Gears.[1] The game is a side-scroller where the player controls a bird, attempting to fly between columns of green pipes without hitting them. Nguyen created the game over the period of several days, using a bird protagonist that he had designed for a cancelled game in 2012.

Flappy Bird 2 Download


Flappy Bird is an arcade-style game in which the player controls the bird Faby, which moves persistently to the right. The player is tasked with navigating Faby through pairs of pipes that have equally sized gaps placed at random heights. Faby automatically descends and only ascends when the player taps the touchscreen. Each successful pass through a pair of pipes awards the player one point. Colliding with a pipe or the ground ends the gameplay. During the game over screen, the player is awarded a bronze medal if they reached ten or more points, a silver medal from twenty points, a gold medal from thirty points, and a platinum medal from forty points.[6][7][8][9]

Flappy Bird was created and developed by Nguyen in two to three days. The bird character, Faby, was originally designed in 2012 for a cancelled platform game.[11] The gameplay was inspired by the act of bouncing a ping pong ball against a paddle for as long as possible.[12] Initially the game was significantly easier than it became in the final version, but Nguyen said he found this version to be boring and subsequently tightened up the difficulty.[12] He described the business plan of a free download with in-game advertisements as "very common in the Japanese market".[13]

According to some Vietnamese newspapers, including Thanh Nin and BBC Vietnamese, Flappy Bird is very similar to a game released in 2011 (two years before Flappy Bird) called Piou Piou vs. Cactus, from the gameplay (by tapping on the screen) to the main character design (a small yellow bird with big red beak) to the obstacles (green cacti and pipes).[45] It is reported that several French newspapers such as 20 Minutes and Metronews accused Flappy Bird of being a clone.[46] The reporter from Thanh Nin Online tried playing Piou Piou vs. Cactus and confirmed that the similarities between the two games are astonishing.[47]

I am developing a simple game in which a character fly when you tap/click the screen. keep tapping the character will fly (some what similar to flappy bird and jet pack). However the movement is not smooth at all, as of jet pack.

So the first time through, the height would be y = 500 + (-10) = 490. The second time, y = 490 + (-20) = 470. And the 5th time, y = 400 + (-50) = 350. Because the rate of falling increases each time through, the bird will plummet faster and faster until splat!

That's where flapping comes in. Each time through the loop where flapping is occurring, a +25 will be applied to the dY calculation. So lets assume the bird starts flapping in 6th iteration. The dy calculation would be dy = -50 + (-10) + 25 = -35 and the height would be y = 350 + (-35) = 315. The next time through would give dy = -35 + (-10) + 25 = -20 and the height would be y = 350 + (-20) = 295. Still falling, but more slowly. The time after: that dy = -20 + (-10) + 25 = -5 and y = 295 + (-5) = 290. The time after that finally shows a gain in height: dy = -5 + (-10) + 25 = 10 and y = 290 + 10 = 300.

I think this should be quite simple. Attach physics behaviour to your bird sprite object and add gravity to it (in the properties of the physics behaviour) in order to pull it downwards.

Whenever you hit the jump key add a single impulse to the bird to make it fly up.

The mechanics are very simple: you have to tap the screen so that the bird flaps its wings, trying to keep a steady rhythm in order to pass through the pipes scattered through its path. It won't be at all easy to do.

This is a frustrating game to some people, as if you hit a pipe, your bird falls and you restart the game. However, some people believe that not fully focusing on the game or focusing only on the bottom pipe helps you get a higher score.

Hello. i just came from unity and C#. I would like to ask if anyone would be so nice and create little tutorial for flappy bird and up it to youtube please. I am complete newbie to defold and lua. Thank you

Alright , i was trying to follow some tutorials , and looked at the flappy template, uff, it look like this engine make things not so easy to do, much more steps is needed than necessery , i say it because i came from easier engine, well it is my problem , yes. And i will have to deal with it. I am just saying. Also defold doesnt provide any tutorial that is from ground up. All tutorials are premade and set up and all you learn is some code practice and such. None of the tutorials provide me with setting up the whole game. And for people who work and came home , we have limited time for learning and trying to find solutions by digging in the project is lot of wasted hours. I would be very happy if defold engine had some tutorials from the start to finish. Thank you and sorry .

I'm not sure I see Nguyen as an entirely sympathetic figure here. While no one deserves personal threats or attacks (if that's what's happening), I think criticism of the game or his design of it is valid. The idea is lifted from a thousand other similar games before it. The art and sound effects are taken almost directly from Super Mario Bros, while the bird design and tap mechanics are from 2011's Piou Piou. These are typical mobile games problems, and the fact that Flappy Bird has been so popular only reinforces the idea that other developers should try to clone their way to the top of the charts.

Flappy Bird has quickly risen from obscurity to the top of both the iTunes and Google Play app markets. The concept is relatively simple; you tap the screen at relative intervals and frequencies to get a flying bird through poles that alternate in position.


Only test this with a native version for android.

I found that not all buttons are mapped.

with a Xbox like controller you can use the dpad to move left and right the menus.

-Use the A or B button to submit the buttons

-While playing use the A or B buttons to flap the bird.

Cocos creator is focus on web, so the web builds are amazing. That flappy bird game build size is just 1.5 MB. Super tiny and works well on all the Web browsers,Desktop and Mobile.

The android version is like 12 MB In unity making something bellow 19 MB is impossible.


This game app features a few technique breakthroughs that I utilize in a game for the first time. For instance, the bird sprite is represented as a SURFACE object, as opposed to an IMAGE object, so that it can easily rotate at any angle.

Dive into the nostalgia of Flappy Bird, honing your tapping skills as you guide the charming bird through a series of obstacles. From its humble beginnings to its legacy, Flappy Bird remains an enduring classic that continues to captivate players around the world.

Flappy Bird is a simple yet challenging game that requires quick reflexes and precision to navigate a bird through a series of pipes. Here are some tips and tricks to help you improve your Flappy Bird skills:


In the flappy bird type game that I am coding, when the bird touches the green pipes I don't want it to stop the whole game, but instead, I want my main sprite to go to its original position and have the pipes not show up for about 2 seconds (and then continue the game over again). The problem is that nothing happens when my main sprite touches the pipes. Here is the link; :Username=aterani25&ProjectName=Creative%20Project%20Terani

TL;DR: Is the physics in Flappy Bird realistic? Yes AND no.

YES: The gravitational pull is constant, producing a constant downward acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s (if we scale the bird to the size of a robin).

NO: The impulse provided by each tap is variable in order to produce the same post-tap velocity. In real life, the impulse from each tap would be constant and produce the same change in velocity.

Used XY graph as a canvas for the game play. H-speed controls the speed with which the canvas scrolls horizontally. Gravity determines the rate of fall of the bird (the red dot). The XY graph has three plots. The first one is for the bird. Second is for the lower part of pipes (filled to -infinity) Third is for the upper part of pipes (filled to +infinity).

So instead of mutating some global game state (bird position, the pipes, etc.), we thread the game state through a series of functions which each return a new copy of the game state updated. Every frame, the game does something like this:

i hacked flappy bird by copying the ipa file to my pc, extraacting it (by changing extention to zip not ipa) and changed some stuff. Now, the problem is putting the hack into the system again. I tried using ifunbox but it refuses to let me replace the file even though in all the videos i have seen allow them to do it with ease. can you guys give me some pointers or tell me anymore software out there that works for u? I would so highly appreciate it. ?

Your tutorial are extremely well done! I'm wondering, when you make the explanation videos like the bird turning at an angle or for the finite state machine, the visual explanation with the nodes and connections are you using godot to do those? Or are they made in something like aftereffects or just some animation that you don't interact with but just have comment on top. I'm gathering ideas i will ever get to do youtube videos about it :).

Thanks and yes, really good tutorials, some of the most professional out there! 2351a5e196

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