
The FJA PTG represents an effective partnership between school, home and the community. PTG volunteers, programs and funds support FJA staff and families, enhance the curriculum and enable advocacy for issues that impact our children and the community.

 The mission of the Flagstaff Junior Academy PTG is to provide financial and volunteer support to the school and our fabulous staff, working together to enhance the educational experience of our students. We are a non-profit organization run by parents and need the help of our entire community.

What we've done

In the past this group has been responsible for organizing annual events, fundraisers and staff appreciation. We're always looking for new ideas, and new members!

Looking to the future

This is where we would like your help! Join the PTG to actively engage and support the group's efforts, submit ideas via email and donate directly to fund all our efforts.

Many thanks to our sponsors who support us throughout the year!

The mention of any business or service on this website does not imply endorsement by the PTG.