Not So Fishy - Pregnancy and Fish Oil

Pregnancy is a tumultuous time in any woman's life. Between the raging hormones and the drastic changes going on in her body, each pregnant woman is faced with concerns and fears from all sides. There are new physical limitations, stricter dietary guidelines, and the ever lingering question of what is best for the baby.

In all of that, most women just want to stay healthy: for themselves and for their babies. This is a worthy goal, and can be accomplished far easier thanks to modern nutritional facts and supplements. While most women may be good at trying to eat healthy and may even take their prenatal vitamin on a daily basis, one easy thing all pregnant women could be doing for themselves and their babies is taking fish oil.

An Overview of Fish Oil

Like the name suggests, fish oil is found naturally in fish and other seafood. What is referred to as fish oil is actually an extract from the oily tissues of some fish. Most physicians and nutritionists recommend including fish oil as part of a healthy and balanced diet due to its unique health properties, which includes the presence of certain omega 3 fatty acids. While there are many omega 3 fatty acids found naturally in a variety of foods, fish oil in particular has the acids DHA and EPA. These two unique acids have been found to have specific health benefits, from enhanced brain development to anti-inflammatory properties.

While omega 3 is most commonly consumed through fish, evidence shows that fish do not create the omega 3 fatty acids themselves. To the contrary, fish oil is rich in fatty acids due to the diet of the fish, which is based heavily on microalgae. Therefore, not all fish are known to provide high doses of these acids, but rather fish like herring and sardines, which eat the algae as a part of their diet, are often good sources for it. Other predatory fish, such as lake trout or salmon, may also be rich in these omega 3 fatty acids thanks to the fish they themselves consume.

Though fish has been a staple of healthy diets for centuries, it is only thanks to modern science that we understand the true benefits of fish oil. Fish oil first became recognized for its health properties in relationship to the heart.

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Since the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil contain anti-coagulants, they have been shown to improve blood flow, which can help patients who suffer from high blood pressure or heart disease. This link is so strong that the American Heart Association even includes fish oil as part of its guidelines to improve heart health, especially amongst those who are already at risk for or suffering from heart disease.

In addition to heart health, omega 3 has grown in popularity for its ability to improve brain function. According to a study at UCLA, the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil can help the brain produce plaque-fighting proteins. People who suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer's have been documented to be lacking these proteins. Therefore, the UCLA study suggests that by taking fish oil, individuals can increase these proteins in their brain, thereby preventing the blockages that lead to memory loss during the onset of Alzheimer's. Other studies from around the world have examined fish oil's impact on other mental disorders such as schizophrenia and depression, many of which have suggested positive results for those patients who include fish oil as part of their diet.

In general, many health professionals have accepted and endorsed fish oil as a part of a healthy lifestyle. In recent years, much work has been done to extract fish oil for research as well as consumption. This has led to the development of various fish oil supplements, which have revolutionized the way some people approach incorporating fish oil into their diets. Through the creation of these supplements, it is possible to carefully monitor the intake of fish oil, without some of the concerns related to eating fish.

Fish Oil and the Pregnant Woman

While fish oil is helpful for people of all ages and genders, there are some particular benefits for pregnant women. Since the developing baby takes so many resources from the mother's body, pregnant women are at risk for a number of disorders and nutritional losses, which can sometimes have a negative health impact in the long term. Omega 3 in particular can help guard against brain loss during pregnancy. Many pregnant women feel light-headed and forgetful while they are with child, which is due mostly to the redirection of blood flow being concentrated in the womb. This redirection of resources can leave organs like the brain vulnerable, but the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil can help supplement the body's natural reserves to keep pregnant women strong in mind and body.

Even beyond that, omega 3 has been linked to other health benefits during pregnancy. According to some preliminary studies, women with high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in their diets are less likely to suffer from complications such as pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor, and postpartum depression. In the long term, some studies even suggest that these women are less likely to develop breast cancer, thanks to the nutritional properties of omega 3 fatty acids.

Along with these perks, fish oil during pregnancy can simply improve mood and lessen overall fatigue. Given the physical and emotional stress during pregnancy, something that can heighten blood flow and ease tensions can be an essential factor for a healthy and happy pregnancy. While a woman's body is so focused on the developing baby, omega 3 provides an extra boost to support the mother's health and well being.

With these benefits, it is remarkable that only about two percent of pregnant women consume the recommended amounts of Omega 3 each day. Of the remaining women, most do not even come close to the daily recommendations. Though prenatal care has made huge improvements in recent years, there is still clearly much work to be done in educating women about the value of omega 3 fatty acids it provides.