Neon Tetra

Scientific name: Paracheirodon innesi

Other names: -

Life expectancy: 8 years

Size: 1.5 inches or 3.8 centimeters

Family: Characidae

Origin: Rivers in south America, Most in Amazon basin

Habitat in the wild: Heavily planted warm rivers

Colors: Red stripe from adipose fin to tail, blue stripe from head to adipose fin, silver translucent body

Diet: Omnivore, not picky eaters

Breeding: Egglayer

Gender differences: Females are usually larger with rounded stomachs, Males are more brightly colored and skinny

Fish Aquarium Care

Minimum tank size: 10 gallons

Care level: Beginner, more sensitive to water chemistry than most beginner fish

Waterflow: Prefers strong waterflow, good swimmers

Temperature: 70°F to 81°F

pH: 6.0 - 7.0

Aquarium Diet: Most surface foods are fine

School size: 6+

Compatibility: Fine with any peaceful fish that won't eat them

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