Zebra Danio

Scientific name: Danio Rerio

Other names: Zebrafish, Striped danio

Life expectancy: 3 - 5 years

Size: 2 inches or 5 centimeters

Family: Cyprinidae

Origin: India

Habitat in the wild: Small streams with a little current or still water

Colors: White/silver body, dark stripes from head to tail

Diet: Omnivore

Breeding: Egglayer

Gender differences: Females are usually larger with rounded stomachs, Males are more brightly colored and skinny

Fish Aquarium Care

Minimum tank size: 10 gallon

Care level: Beginner

Waterflow: They prefer strong waterflow because they are very good swimmers

Temperature: 64 to 74 F or 18 to 24 C

pH: 6.5 to 7.0

Aquarium Diet: Most surface foods, will also eat sinking foods, they are very greedy eaters

School size: 5+ individuals, any less can result in fish chasing each other too much

Compatibility: They are fin nippers so avoid keeping them with fish like guppies or bettas otherwise they can live with most fish small enough to now eat them

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