In previous trials, transistors made of wood have been able to regulate ion transport only. And when the ions run out, the transistor stops functioning. The transistor developed by the Linkping researchers, however, can function continuously and regulate electricity flow without deteriorating.

The researchers used balsa wood to create their transistor, as the technology involved requires a grainless wood that is evenly structured throughout. They removed the lignin, leaving only long cellulose fibres with channels where the lignin had been.

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These channels were then filled with a conductive plastic, or polymer, called PEDOT:PSS, resulting in an electrically conductive wood material.Isak Engquist, senior associate professor at the Laboratory for Organic Electronics. Photo credit THOR BALKHED

Researcher Lisa Guntram gets funding to launch a network dedicated to exploring and confronting the marginalisation of women's health. This will be the world's first research network on women's health with a focus on social sciences and humanities.

What makes a really good teacher? Commitment and maybe the ability to get up early in the morning. When the first two award winners of Ingemars Lrarpris get together, the discussion ranges from teachers as role models to students who learn for life.

Use a cloth dampened with warm water. You may use a small amount of vinegar essence mix combined with water. This works extremely well in destroying bacteria and cleaning wooden toys. Do not submerge in water or place in dishwasher. Disinfectants (even organic baby wipes) should not be used as they can damage the water based coatings that protect the colorful stains beneath.

I normally tackle new woodworking hobbies by doing lots of reading and lots of watching. YouTube has no short supply of woodworking tutorials, and bowl turning is no exception. So after watching an evening dose of how-to videos, I took off the next morning to my local Woodcraft store to buy a bowl gouge and some wood.

Pictured below is my bowl after I had removed the material on the inside. I used my new 3/8 inch bowl gouge, and it worked like a champ. Wood shavings were flying everywhere, and I loved the aroma of the Cedar of Lebanon wood.

The sanding and finishing were a cinch. And I did most all of the finishing while the wood was spinning on the lathe. I started with 120 grit sandpaper and worked up to 400 grit. I then switched to my micro mesh cloths and sanded up to 2400 grit.

Ofer was born in Jerusalem, Israel, and moved to California in 1985 to work with family in the restaurant business. Ofer decided California was the place he ought to be, so he set off to find his own opportunities. After Ofer and Eric met and decided to open Wood Ranch, Ofer found the first location in Moorpark, CA, opening there in 1992. Ofer is married and has three children.

To start off my project I found a free henna design online and printed it using a laser jet printer. I chose the thin Medallion Plaque as my surface. I love its shape and basswood is ideal for wood burning.

I initially used StazOn Ink and a Stencil to create a background design. I later decided that I did not like it in the background so I sanded it off. I determined the placement of the design then turned it upside down and taped the top of the paper to the wood to hold it in place.

So I'm utilizing pyrography for a Christmas gift to my gf. It will be my first time trying wood burning, and I intend to stain the wood that I'm using after I've completely burned on the image I want. With that said, would it be smarter to burn my design on the wood and then sand it/stain it? Or should I go through the process of sanding and staining before burning? Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Wood Badge is a Scouting leadership programme and the related award for adult leaders in the programmes of Scout associations throughout the world. Wood Badge courses aim to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills, and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scout movement. Courses generally have a combined classroom and practical outdoors-based phase followed by a Wood Badge ticket, also known as the project phase. By "working the ticket", participants put their newly gained experience into practice to attain ticket goals aiding the Scouting movement. The first Wood Badge training was organized by Francis "Skipper" Gidney and lectured at by Robert Baden-Powell and others at Gilwell Park (United Kingdom) in September 1919. Wood Badge training has since spread across the world with international variations.

On completion of the course, participants are awarded the Wood Badge beads to recognize significant achievement in leadership and direct service to young people. The pair of small wooden beads, one on each end of a leather thong (string), is worn around the neck as part of the Scout uniform. The beads are presented together with a taupe neckerchief bearing a tartan patch of the Maclaren clan, honoring William de Bois Maclaren, who donated the 7000 to purchase Gilwell Park in 1919 plus an additional 3000 for improvements to the house that was on the estate. The neckerchief with the braided leather woggle (neckerchief slide) denotes the membership of the 1st Gilwell Scout Group or Gilwell Troop 1. Recipients of the Wood Badge are known as Wood Badgers or Gilwellians.

The exact curriculum varies from country to country, but the training generally includes both theoretical and experiential learning. All course participants are introduced to the 1st Gilwell Scout group or Gilwell Scout Troop 1 (the latter name is used in the Boy Scouts of America and some other countries). In the Boy Scouts of America, they are also assigned to one of the traditional Wood Badge "critter" patrols. Instructors deliver training designed to strengthen the patrols. One-on-one work with an assigned troop guide helps each participant to reflect on what he has learned, so that he can better prepare an individualized "ticket". This part of the training program gives the adult Scouter the opportunity to assume the role of a Scout joining the original "model" troop, to learn firsthand how a troop ideally operates. The locale of all initial training is referred to as Gilwell Field, no matter its geographical location.[7]

After completion of the Wood Badge course, participants are awarded the insignia in a Wood Badge bead ceremony.[9] They receive automatic membership in 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group or Gilwell Troop 1. These leaders are henceforth called Gilwellians or Wood Badgers. It is estimated that worldwide over 100,000 Scouters have completed their Wood Badge training.[10] The 1st Gilwell Scout Group meets annually during the first weekend in September at Gilwell Park for the Gilwell Reunion.[11] Gilwell Reunions are also held in other places, often on that same weekend.

Much later, Baden-Powell sought a distinctive award for the participants in the first Gilwell course. He constructed the first award using two beads from the necklace he had recovered, and threaded them onto a leather thong given to him by an elderly South African in Mafeking, calling it the Wood Badge.[1][2][3]

The neckerchief is a universal symbol of Scouting and its Maclaren tartan represents Wood Badge's ties to Gilwell Park. The neckerchief, called a "necker" in British and some Commonwealth Scouting associations, is a standard triangular scarf made of cotton or wool twill with a taupe face and red back; a patch of Clan MacLaren tartan is affixed near the point.[19] The pattern was adopted in honor of a British Scout commissioner who, as a descendant of the Scottish MacLaren clan, donated money for the Gilwell Park property on which the first Wood Badge program was held.[3][14][20]

The axe and log logo was conceived by the first Camp Chief, Francis Gidney, in the early 1920s to distinguish Gilwell Park from the Scout Headquarters. Gidney wanted to associate Gilwell Park with the outdoors and Scoutcraft rather than the business or administrative Headquarters offices. Scouters present at the original Wood Badge courses regularly saw axe blades masked for safety by being buried in a log. Seeing this, Gidney chose the axe and log as the totem of Gilwell Park.[21]

The kudu horn is another Wood Badge symbol. Baden-Powell first encountered the kudu horn at the Battle of Shangani, where he discovered how the Matabele warriors used it to quickly spread a signal of alarm. He used the horn at the first Scout encampment at Brownsea Island in 1907. It is used from the early Wood Badge courses to signal the beginning of the course or an activity, and to inspire Scouters to always do better.

Other sites providing Wood Badge training have taken the Gilwell name. The first Australian Wood Badge courses were held in 1920 after the return of two newly minted Deputy Camp Chiefs, Charles Hoadley and Mr. Russell at the home of Victorian Scouting, Gilwell Park, Gembrook. In 2003, Scouts Australia established the Scouts Australia Institute of Training, a government-registered National Vocational & Education Training (VET) provider. Under this registration, Scouts Australia awards a "Diploma of Leadership and Management" to those Adult Leaders who complete the Wood Badge training and additional competencies.[23] The Diploma of Leadership and Management, like all Australian VET qualifications, is recognized throughout Australia by both government and private industry.[24] This is an optional extra that Leaders and Rovers may undertake.

The first Wood Badge Training in Austria took place in 1932. Scoutmaster Joesef Miegl took his Wood Badge training in Gilwell Park and September 8 to 17, 1922, he led a Leader Training near Vienna, one of the first in Austria. Scouters from Austria, Germany, Italy and Hungary took part. He brought in many things he learned in Gilwell Park about International and British Scouting, but it was not an official Wood Badge training.[25] 2351a5e196

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