


District 102

Thomas Cole and Windham Mountains

Mary Finneran

Candidate for NY Assembly 

District 102 (Current Map)




I stand for People's Needs over Corporate Greed.


I stand for the absolute necessity of stopping climate chaos.


I stand for the right to clean air, water, soil and food.

I stand for the rights of all women and all genders.


I stand for the right to adequate and affordable, if not free, healthcare.


I stand for the right to affordable and decent housing for all.


I stand for the right to fair criminal justice that is restorative and rehabilitative vs. punitive.


I stand for all the people and concur with the UN declaration of Human Rights.

Voting in the upcoming 2024 Election will be critical in determining the future

 of our district, state, country, and the world.

Primary Election Day is Tuesday, June 25 

Election Day is November 5 

Deadlines to Register to Vote:  NY State Board of Elections

For voting times and places visit your County's Board of Elections:  Greene County, Schoharie County, Delaware County, Albany County, and Otsego County.