Privacy Policy

Please read this Policy carefully. This Policy provides you with information on how we collect, use and/or share the information obtained from you. This Policy applies to our Application and does not apply to any third party services, websites, software and content that may be linked to from within the Application.

For ease read carefully all details in case of any disagreement you can uninstall our apps.

Apps we’re offering are available on Google Play Store. You can download our android apps from RunToFuture. Please note we’ve right to implement usage free on our free apps in future.

We do not collect any personal data or non-personal data from users in anyway.

Data / Information Collection:

1.Personal Data: We do not collect any personal data from users by any mean

2.Non-Personal Data: We do not collect any non-personal data from users in any way

Third Parties Agreements:

We offer Advertisements in our android apps. The advertisements offered in our app are from Third Parties. We do not share any details of users to any server or any party.

Advertisement in Apps:

Our apps are displaying advertisement we received from Third parties including Admob owned by Google. You can read Admob Privacy Policy by visiting this link:

Information Sharing with Law & Enforcement:

The scenario where sharing data or information to law & enforcement agencies are concerned for sole purpose (safety) we do share with them by following legal protection acts without concerning any harm to user data policy.

Children's Privacy:

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. We do not collect personal information from children under the age of 13.

Policy Updates:

This policy may change from time to time, but if it does, we will post any changes up on this page. If there are any significant changes, we will provide a more prominent notice on our site.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy please do not hesitate to contact us via :