Find A Property Rentals

Find Your Next Home

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We find you tenants and help with referencing, contracts and more if you need it.

Find A Property gives you the best possible chance of finding your ideal tenant, and you stay in control.

  • 100% Free Advertising Option

  • No Hidden Fees

  • No Renewal Fees

  • No Credit Card to Get Started

3 bedroom house in Brompton Lane, Rochester

£1,200 per month



Why choose us?

What makes us different from other search engines is that we keep our database up to date so that all houses, flats and rooms listed on our website are always available to move in. Our team is committed to making it easier for you to choose places to dwell during the happiest years of their lives. It is for this reason that we rely on trusted landlords and agents, encouraging them to make sure their advertisements feature as detailed property descriptions as they can be.

Find A Property Rentals is undoubtedly your #1 property listings provider if you are:

A student-to-be who is looking for housemates to share a property with. Experience the most exciting moments of your life with like-minded people! You can easily find housemates via our user-friendly search engine.

A landlord who has a residential or student property to rent out in the UK. Find A Property Rentals is the perfect place to get it listed free of charge and reach thousands of potential tenants

A tenant or a student who is about to start a new chapter but does not have a place to move in. Rely on us, and we will do everything it takes to help you find the perfect property. Visit our section for students and explore available student accommodation options near your university.

Register with us and start searching for your perfect home. We hope you will find everything you need to know on our website. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us!

Why is it free?

We are an affordable consumer-friendly group which gives you everything you need to take control of renting your property.

Free Property Advertising

We help you save money letting your property, whether you’re an house mate, estate agent or landlord. We advertise all our properties on a network of prominent websites, putting your listings in front of tens of thousands of tenants every day.

Why it’s free to place a property advert

We are growing business and we want to have the biggest possible selection of property – that’s why we don’t charge a single penny to advertise your property.

How do we make money?

We offer a host of paid-for optional services and we also make money from third party advertising on our site. Every property listing brings us more visitors, makes our search more unique and helps us increase our advertising revenue, so it’s in our interests to offer free property ads to all our users.

We are completely different from Rightmove and Zoopla

Homeowners are not allowed to list directly on other major websites such as Rightmove and Zoopla, instead they MUST go through an estate agent to gain access to these sites. We are proud to be different and offer both professionals and homeowners a place to promote properties. This helps us be unique in the market and creates a great place to search for your next home.