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50 years of cave diving:
Le Durzon

"Des sources et des Hommes : le Durzon 1967-2021"...
Several years of shooting, several months of editing, many testimonies of the explorers between 1967 and 2020, many amazing images and, most of all, a human adventure that spans over half a century of exploration of the Durzon (Aveyron, France)

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DVD 15 € + 4 € for shipping

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2 movies (french/english), 1 hour duration for the first (the exploration 1967-2020), the other lasts 8 minutes (the 2021 push dive) as well as 1h40 interviews (in french) of the key explorers since 1967

English speakers will have the privilege to listen to Jean-Marc Barr's voice telling the story of 50 years of explorations of the source of Durzon

Price of DVD : 15 Euros (+4 Euros shipping), which benefits fund upcoming explorations and movies

The source of the Durzon has been accompanying the lives of people in this southern part of Aveyron for over 10 centuries, between the Larzac plateau, the Dourbie valley and the Durzon valley ...

From these 10th century monks who domesticated its water and thus allowed the village of Nant to develop until today the water of Durzon which supplies 14 villages on the Larzac plateau, has never been lacking...

But where does it come from, what was its underground path before it pours into this basin in the locality of Mas de Pommier? So many questions unanswered for a long time and for which it was necessary to wait for some men dare to dive underground to find out ...

This film tells the story of this exceptional human adventure which begins with the first dive in 1967, 120 meters from the entrance, until the dives of 2021 up to more than 2 km...

You'll meet exceptional divers and explorers, from Jean-Louis Vernette to Xavier Méniscus via Patrick Penez and Frédo Aragon will tell about their explorations without forgetting all the others, from the Le Guen brothers to Pedro Balordi and Günter Faul, from Marc Douchet to Martin Robson, who kindly shared their exploits and opened their archives to make this film.

This film is also dozens of divers, hundreds of dives, years of filming with exceptional images until the current terminus of Durzon at 2190 meters from the entrance by more than 130 meters deep, exceptional testimonies of equally exceptional explorers… and without counting several months of film editing!

The DVD consists of:

  • The one hour film "Des sources et des Hommes - le Durzon 1967-2020", in English and French

  • The 8-minute film "La pointe 2021", in French and English

  • The complete interviews of Jean-Louis Vernette, Bernard Sapin, Patrick Penez, Frédo Aragon and Xavier Meniscus, in French

Some other movies with the Plongeesout team

A 1 hour movie (french/ english) about the exploration of the source St ANtoine in Toulon (France- Var)

27 years after Jean-Jacques Bolanz who pushed the terminus to -112 meters in 1989. He said he got blocked by an impassable restriction. The Plongeesout team resumes the exploration in 2016... and hope that the Bolanz terminus is not a terminus...

Dozen cave divers, hundreds of dives, an exceptionally beautiful cave... the Plongeesout looks for Bolanz and hopes to overpass him...

DVD for sale 15 € + 4 € shipping (Account details and mail identical to those for the Durzon DVD)

Automating and robotizing the mapping of underwater caves is one of the most complex challenges but would be a major advance in the knowledge of the submerged underground environment ...

Autonomous drones, on-board multidirectional sonars ...

Scientists from the Montpellier Computer and Robotics Laboratory (LIRM) and the Plongeesout cave divers team pool their expertise in order to push the boundaries of knowledge

500 BC ... the fresh water from the St Antoine source allows Greek ships to release in the harbor of the future city of Toulon
1944 ... the battles of the allied landings in Provence destroy Toulon and the naval arsenals
1945 ... the French Navy begins the construction of a gigantic complex of underground warehouses
1946 ... an unexpected meeting
2019 ... the end of a long sleep

The slow work of the waters of the St Antoine spring took thousands of years to carve a dragon's head. Th elatter commands access to a submerged gallery at 20 meters deep.

An incident disfigures the guardian of the depths

How to perform reconstructive surgery in the sump 4 and by 20 meters deep?

... and all the other Plongeesout movies here : https://vimeo.com/plongeesout

... and obviously www.plongeesout.com, the reference Web site for cave divers