Perhaps, Ermine, you are right, and I did, for good or ill, turn from a living shit-post into a walking Hallmark card. But, well, here we are, you and me, sending smoke signals to each other across a yawning ideological divide. Hello Ermine, I drone, hello.

Contains 1 game board, 155 cards (5 player decks, 5 novel-based scenario decks, 1 short-stories-based random scenario deck), 77 counters, 8 dice, 1 rule book, organizing dividers (including ones for the first few expansions) & foam blocks.

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I am a photographer and videographer. I was shooting a small gig at a local bar on my Canon EOS 60D. I needed another SD card that could handle RAW video; one of my good friends said he uses microSD cards a good bit for his video work. I went and bought an Extreme Plus 32GB Red/Gold U3 microSDHC with an SD adapter. I formatted the card, took some photos and video. Everything was fine. I shot the gig.

When I went to export the RAW files to my MacBook Pro, most of my video files and almost 60 of the still shots reported an error message as being corrupt/damaged/unreadable. All files are PERFECT when viewed from the DSLR. When viewed on the computer, damaged still-images show horizontal banding and video files freeze-frame (the audio continues to play fine). I have never dealt with this type of issue, so I have no clue where to start. Is this possibly an issue with the card or my card reader? Could this be resolved with a simple free file recovery program? Any advice is welcome.

since the files show up and work fine on the camera i would suggest connecting the camera with the cable to the computer with the card and see if you can transfer and see the files on the computer. So in that case you can use the camera as a card reader to check if the files are still corrupted or not

There is possibility an issue with the card or card reader, so you should exclude the problem first. Connect SD card with another well card reader to check whether the file is ok to open. If the problem still exits, then a recovery software is needed. In fact, most of free file recovery program is bundled with spam and useless advertisements.

RePicvid free photo recovery could restore corrupted photos, but it pays to retrieve videos and audio files. You may try the free version to scan and preview corrupted/damaged/unreadable videos. Here is the tutorial about how to recover deleted photos/videos from SD card. Hope it can help you.

If you are using Eclipse you can move files to and from the SD Card through the Android Perspective (it is called DDMS in Eclipse). Just select the Emulator in the left part of the screen and then choose the File Explorer tab. Above the list with your files should be two symbols, one with an arrow pointing at a phone, clicking this will allow you to choose a file to move to phone memory.

Another option is to set the Pi to emulate a USB Ethernet stick, which will allow you to copy the files via SSH. Following the instructions at All of these instructions can be performed from the computer, except for #1.

I shot a few video on my RX-100V and I can play them on the camera but when I insert the SD card to my PC, I only see *.ARW and *.JPG files in the DCIM/100MSDCF folder. Which files are the movies on the SD card?

With my M6, when information on the SD card is transferred to my PC I see the folders in the photo below. Photos are in the '100MSDCF' folder and videos are in the 'CLIP' folder. I took a test video and it showed in the CLIP folder as 'MP4 Video'. J.

I think much of the folder lunacy comes from some attempt to make the folder structure match that of DVDs or somesuch device, so as to make SD cards instantly playable in the compatible Sony devices, Panasonic does the same I think.

One of the problems I have with video from my RX10 4 is that the camera saves them in XAVC S format and neither iPhoto, or Photos (Mac programs) recognises that format, so when you upload your photos/videos to the computer none of the videos get copied across. With my FZ1000 the videos are saved in the MP4 format and iPhoto and Photos recognise that one. When you look at the videos from the Sony on the card it shows them as MP4, but they appear to be a different type of MP4, as my photo programs keep telling me it can't open them. I've downloaded an extra program (which I paid for) called Prism and that will convert the Sony MP4 format to a MP4 format that my Apple computer recognises.

I tell Spotify to download my offline songs to my SD card. It does it, and everything is OK for a few days. Then i notice that Spotify is re-downloading my songs, but to internal storage. This is a problem because it will max out my internal storage.

I've been in touch with Spotify help, who told me my SD card was probably bad. I didn't agree, but I bought a new one, anyway. Never used it for anything else other than to put it in my phone. Same issue.

My most recent experience is that I downloaded all my songs last week and everything was fine for a few days. Then today I just noticed Spotify is once again downloading all my songs to my internal storage, and i checked Spotify's permissions and the storage permissions were set to "Deny." This is weird because i KNOW they were set to "Allow management of all files" before because I checked it and that's the only way Spotify would have downloaded my files to my SD card in the first place.

Spotify is famous for corrupting SD cards when you set it up to download / keep the offline / downloaded songs, etc on them.

Search the community for keywords such as "sd corrupted", etc and you will find a few topics from people mentioning their frustration about this issue.

I, myself, had bought several SD cards in the past only to have my offline Spotify tracks on them and save some space on the internal storage, but I've given up. All my cards were corrupted by Spotify. 

e.g. -The-destroyer-of-SD-cards/m-p/1605287

This issue is also prevalent to this day with my Samsung A52 and its 128gb SD card. I'm going to end up switching platforms entirely now, especially since Spotify is increasing pricing for no added benefits. Spotify, you were once god-like, now I scrap you off the bottom of my shoe.

Now I am wondering if there would be an easy way to access the Backups I created last weekend by Updating the System. I plugged the SD Card into my Windows Laptop but I can only access some files (not EXT4 , etc).

I am facing a wired problem and that is whenever I insert any USB drive or SD card in my computer, all folder and files inside it appear as locked! And therefore I can't crate any new folder and delete any folder from sd card or usb drive! I don't know why it is happening and how to solve this. Anybody please help me.

Right click the drive, check properties. Breathe. This is a 32 gig drive, but Windows sees that it's got 329 MB used. 300ish megs is the size of a 30 minute long two channel WAV file. I know this because I've looked at 300 meg files for the last several hundred shows. Just like you might know roughly the size of a JPEG your camera makes. It's a thing you know.

Interesting Plot Point - I didn't format the SD card. I use it as it came out of the packaging from Amazon. It came preformatted and I accepted it. I tested it and it worked but I didn't "install my own carpet." I moved in to the house as-is.

The Zoom can see folders and files AND the interview itself. And the Zoom can play it back. The Zoom is an embedded device with an implementation of the FAT32 file system and it can read it, but Windows can't. Can Linux? Can a Mac?

Hacky Note: Since the Zoom can see and play the file and it has a headphone/monitor jack, I could always plug in an analog 1/8" headphone cable to a 1/4" input on my Peavy PV6 Mixer and rescue the audio with some analog quality loss. Why don't I use the USB Audio out feature of the Zoom H6 and play the file back over a digital cable, you ask? Because the Zoom audio player doesn't support that. It supports three modes - SD Card Reader (which is a pass through to Windows and shows me the recursive directories and no files), an Audio pass-through which lets the Zoom look like an audio device to Windows but doesn't show the SD card as a drive or allow the SD Card to be played back over the digital interface, or its main mode where it's recording locally.

Both Adobe Audition and Audacity are audio apps that have an "Import RAW Data" feature. However, I DO need to tell Audition how to interpret it. There's lots of WAV files out there. How many simples were there? 1 channel? 2 channel? 16 bit or 32 bit? Lots of questions.

This "one channel" file above is actually the bytes as they were laid down on disk, right? It's actually two files written simultaneously, a few kilobytes at a time, L,R,L,R,L,R. And here I am telling my sound software to treat this "byte for byte file system dump" as one file. It's two that were made at the same time.

NOTE: Pete Brown has written about RIFF/WAV files from Sound Devices records having an incorrect FAT32 bit set. This isn't that, but it's in the same family and is worth noting if you ever have an issue with a Broadcast Wave File getting corrupted or looking encrypted.

Ali suggested running dosfsck on the mounted image and you can see again that the files are there, but there's like 3 root entries? Note I've done a cat of /proc/mounts to see the loop that my img is mounted on so I can refer to it in the dosfsck command. e24fc04721

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