A list of the different configurations per module can be found in the /etc/filebeat/module.d (on Linux or Mac) folder. You need to enable modules as they are in disabled mode by default . There are various ways of enabling modules, one way being from your Filebeat configuration file:

If you want to drop messages using filebeat processors you need to do it based on the content of the raw log line, something like what you are doing with the messages containing lxc-container-default-with-nfs.

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Hey there, sorry to bring this back up. But apparently ever since I made these changes, filebeat simply stoped sending module events... I just found out about it. I'm sure it is related to the processors thingy, any idea why?

on my setup there was also the problem that newly created logs from rsync got the inode from the log that was deleted and so filebeat has continued to read from the last known position in this log. See if that is also a problem for you.

Now when I start my elk stack which's on a different machine and filebeat, I'm only able to see ELK stack stats and not beats stats. I'm however able to send logs to kibana via logstash and elasticsearch from my filebeat and able to verify the same.

So I did some research and figured out that we didn't include a read_buffer on the UDP input, so I tried a read_buffer: 100MiB in the filebeat.yml and the logs spiked for a moment -- then it went back to normal volume.

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I mean increasing the read_buffer to 2GB allowed us to process the real amount of logs that are coming in -- it seems it just can't keep up with it, it was processing in filebeat slower than real-time.

When we restarted filebeat with the no read buffer (so it was sending the normal amount of throttled logs) the listeners responded and ingested everything immediately. The issue seems to be the UDP packet loss at the filebeat processing.

Is specifying the workers telling Kafka to increase workers? Or is that local on the filebeat machine? Cause i'm pretty positive that part of the pipeline is keeping up fine. I reached out to the OPs team to triple check that nothing was overstressed during those spikes.

Since we saw a significant improvement increasing the read_buffer (but it couldn't keep up) it seems like the slowdown was in the filebeat trying to handle the load. Though -- i'm definitely not the expert on the filebeat part.

According to that filebeat.yml config you just posted you are sending the data to Logstash, using the Logstash output that is my assumption, if you were sending from Filebeat directly to Kafka I would expect to see the Kafka Filebeat output where you have the Logstash output.

What convinces me that it's in the filebeat part of the equation is that when I increased the read_buffer: 2000MiB we started seeing the actual amount of logs. This says that something in the processing of the logs at the filebeat level is holding them up and that a memory buffer increased the capability -- temporarily, but it couldn't keep up with time.

That show the logs that made it to elasticsearch with timestamps (important) .. so when the buffer increased more logs made it into filebeat... then eventually they made it to elasticsearch with the proper timestamps... so more made it through for a certain period giving the appears throughput went up... ... once that queue was full it started dropping messages ... so the queue just let some extra messages get processed but actually throughput rate did not really change... it can look misleading IMHO. Remember Discover is timestamp driven, the timestamp is most likely because of the codec is setting the originating timestamp ...

I'm following this tutorial from DigitalOcean and everything goes well untill step 4. I've installed Filebeat and configured it to output to Logstash and enabled the system module. When I try to run sudo filebeat setup --pipelines --modules system I get the following message:

After Googling around for a day or two I found this issue on GitHub. I tried to modify the /etc/filebeat/modules.d/system.yml file in various different ways, but I still get the same result over and over again.

Also, if you have already setup the same, how did you do the filebeat configuration? Did you used Grok or Dissect ? Do you have any sample filters that you can share or point me to so that I can refer that as a starting point ?

So, I'm trying to configure Wazuh Server on a virtual machine (Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.1) and it needs the filebeat (without Elastic) to work correctly. I've installed both sucessfully and enabled them via systemctl without any problem. but when I reach the test output phase, it simply returns me the following error:

So, following the tip from @vidarlo, I've installed Elasticsearch, it's fresh install resolved the dial up problem, but it caused a TLS handshake error, which was solved by editing /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml and changed the protocol it was using (from https to http), it solved all problems. :D

Running the following command: sudo filebeat -e -c /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml test output on both remote servers (the web server and the reverse proxy server) has the following response: logstash: connection... parse host... OK dns lookup... OK addresses: dial up... OK TLS... WARN secure connection disabled talk to server... OK

Running the command to see the status of the filebeat service (on both remote servers) reflects the service is active and has a recent timestamp of log data that is being collected. I did this a few times over a span of 15 minutes, and I can continuously see new time stamps of log collection by file beat on the remote servers.

But for some reason, the only time filebeat actually sends data to Logstash on the ELK server is upon reboot of the web server and reverse proxy server. And only just once. Filebeat data is not a continuous stream of data into Logstash.

So my question is: How is it possible that testing filebeat output shows a successful connection, that filebeat data is successfully seen in elasticsearch, and that Kibana discovery has valid data for my servers? But, filebeat is not sending continuously into logstash.

In the filebeat.inputs section, you specify that Filebeat should read logs from a file using the logs plugin. The paths parameter indicates the path to the log file that Filebeat will monitor, set here as /var/log/logify/app.log.

In this updated configuration, the filebeat-logify service uses the filebeat:8.10.3 base image, with the user set to root. The Filebeat configurations are stored in the filebeat-logify.yml file, which you will define shortly.

Filebeat doesn't have a built-in /health endpoint for external monitoring of its instance's health. However, you can configure an endpoint for metrics. Doing so allows you to externally monitor Filebeat to determine whether it's up or down. In this tutorial, you will enable the HTTP endpoint for the filebeat-logify service.

Open your Filebeat configuration file and configure it to use Logstash (Make sure you disable Elasticsearchoutput). For more information about configuring Filebeat to use Logstash please refer to -filebeat-logstash.html

I am trying to use the sophos module that you seems to have contributed in elk stack. I followed the documentation at www.elastic.co/.../filebeat-module-sophos.html and was able to get the data into ES. issue is I cannot see the fields in the message. All data is inside a field called message.

In high level I am using Filebeat Sophos-xg module, logstash and ES. I did enable sophos module, uploaded the template with command "filebeat setup -e -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=['localhost:9200'] -E setup.kibana.host=localhost:5601" and I am getting the data, without data being split into fields. I am not an ELK expert, but only reason why I am using is to view my SophosXG. Where things can go wrong? Any troubleshooting steps please?

StefanS I think you have written this filebeat-sophos module. I do not see fields are getting ingested as numeric for fields like bytes_sent, instead they are string fields. How to trouble-shoot. I am using ES 7.15.1 and Sophos 18.5.1. If you can give some guidance please.

Filebeat inputs can handle multiline log entries. The multilineparameter accepts a hash containing pattern, negate, match, max_lines, and timeoutas documented in the filebeat configuration documentation.

By default, a generic, open ended template is used that simply converts your configuration intoa hash that is produced as YAML on the system. To use a template that is more strict, but possiblyincomplete, set conf_template to filebeat/filebeat.yml.erb.

There are a few very specific use cases where you don't want this module to directly manage the filebeatconfiguration file, but you still want the configuration file on the system at a different location.Setting config_file will write the filebeat configuration file to an alternate location, but it will notupdate the init script. If you don't also manage the correct file (/etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml on Linux,C:/Program Files/Filebeat/filebeat.yml on Windows) then filebeat won't be able to start.

If you use this module on a system with filebeat 1.x installed, and you keep your current parametersnothing will change. Setting major_version to '5' will modify the configuration template and updatepackage repositories, but won't update the package itself. To update the package set thepackage_ensure parameter to at least 5.0.0.

By default, the ingested logs are stored in the (AccountID=0, ProjectID=0) tenant. If you need storing logs in other tenant, then specify the needed tenant via headers at output.elasticsearch section. For example, the following filebeat.yml config instructs Filebeat to store the data to (AccountID=12, ProjectID=34) tenant:

Specifies the amount of worker instances to increase processing speeds if filebeat cannot manage the quantity of inputs. If you increase this value you should also increase queue.mem.events to allow buffering for more workers. 17dc91bb1f

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