My folder is a client and the boards are the various elements of a complex project

My CRM has a board with all clients on it but not the detailed projects so I need to link the two and generate multiple folders for multiple projects.

Having accomplished my objective, I decided to uninstall Dropbox. No error messages during installation or uninstallation. However, after it was uninstalled I discovered that my computer was extremely seriously messed up. Now the Documents folder has been moved down into a subdirectory of Dropbox. The new directory structure looks like this:

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By the way, the proposed solution became even worse than I thought it was. Discovered another program that was spawning new folders in the original place, so now it becomes necessary to reconcile versions between two subdirectories and I need to know how the OTHER program handles the file system.

Recently I have realised that I have added new files to the shared folder and they are not showing on my friends computer and visa versa. They have correctly sync'd and I can see them on both my online dropbox account and on my PC in the correct shared folder but my friend cannot. The files online correctly display that they have 2 members however my friend cannot see them.

Another possibility is that their Dropbox desktop application isn't working as it should and thus isn't syncing. I'm not sure if their Dropbox account online is showing the changes to the folder, or if it is just the computer. If the issue is also related to the online account, then this point doesn't matter.

I've tracked it down further to my friends account having the issue. Both are Plus accounts. My account online shows any shared folders I've got or have shared out with the number of members. My friends account has the same folders but lists Only Me as the member, even the ones listed as being shared, including those shared in from others to them. This is all online so appears to not be the application at fault rather an issue with their dropbox or dropbox itself.

All folders were proper shares, some incoming and some outgoing. They've been working perfectly for around 3 years and then suddenly stopped working a couple of months a go. I'll get him to open a support case.

However, the workflow we sometimes have is to start without a template and then save later if the project is something that needs to be saved. When you follow that path, you do not get the option to not create a folder for the project.

Did you ever submit an idea for this request? @jcarlson is correct that we can store a map without a project folder, but only if we begin with the map template. I want to create a aprx file when we create a project with no template.

Response: Yes, I believe you can move the AppSheet app folder to the place you wish to stay in your drive through Google drive itself. Of course , the drive needs to be associated with your AppSheet account.

Response: I believe the new app will be created at the default path that you can change as mentioned in the document below .The default app folder path is defined at Account -> Settings option in the editor.


Response: I believe you can rename the folders ( main and the app folders) without distorting the communication with the app. I tried renaming them in the Google drive itself and the app works. I am not aware if Google drive folders can be renamed in the app itself.

You have configurations for both UPM and Microsoft Profiles at the same time - doesn't look like you have both profile management technologies turned on but if you don't need the microsoft stuff - I would turn it off and focus just on UPM and folder redirection

I'm not sure what User Account Control has to do with anything here, I don't need elevated privileges. Security being the reason behind not allowing ArcGIS Pro to add folder connections at the drive root doesn't really make sense to me either - this can be easily thwarted by adding a symbolic link to the drive root, and you're in:

Additionally, my mapped network drive root is really just pointing to my organization's DFS file server. It's not actually the "root" of any machine, it's just a collection of folder shares from various network locations.

From an Esri Support Services call - "It is by design that you cannot make a folder connection to the entire C drive (or any other root drive) in ArcGIS Pro > -app/help/projects/connect-to-a-folder.htm This is due to performance issues--such as having all of the default folders on you C drive into Pro when they will never be used and using resources, etc. Just one folder down into a root drive (ex. C:\Desktop) would work."

The short answer is that we have this issue logged as [ENH-000107373: Please allow a folder connection to a mapped drive in ArcGIS Pro] That has a status of In Product Plan. The development team is highly aware of this need, and they are very keen to make this happen, but there are some other dependencies that need to be in place before this is implemented.

Maybe it is Johnny Decimal because you can just number folders. In practice, it requires building a not insignificant amount of structure, which involves making all sorts of unearned decisions about order.

Folders are also welcome in my wiki folder, because I like to keep the note and images or other files together. Probably will end a max 3 level folder structure ( Like History - WW1 - Specific folder ) for these folders. These folder are basically refactored projects folders.

Kind of interesting for me to see how Nick is getting back to folders and hierarchy.

I was in the 2nd or 3rd LYT course, and atleast during that time my impression was that he tried to get rid of the need for it (altough he always said, use them when you need them).

I am coming from and I have kept my old credit card info and some logins in old vault. I was assuming that we can use folders here to keep old data. But after importing from 1password, I see duplicate names in all items and also on web form suggestions. Is there a way to provide option on folder level to exclude this folder from 1) all search and 2) also not use in web form suggestions in browser. Or can anyone suggest me how we can achieve this in Bitwarden.

H Guys,

thanks for taking the time to respond. I followed what @dh024 said. Its working for me. But I hope BW creates an easy option to include or exclude folders from suggestions and all item searches. I am still using which has all the functionality in the world. But recently with their collection concept it is confusing.

I have not seen a single feature released for regular retail consumers in last 1yr. They are busy trying to build half bake features for the sake of selling it to corporates. I am sure you will not have contracts renewed if your basic functions are missing. You cannot drop an item to folder. Mark folders to exclude it in search.

...I have a folder containing various sheets and then various dashboards with views from those sheets, all self contained. I need to duplicate the folder for a new financial year, but we need to leave the information on the sheets that feed the views intact. For that reason, I intend to move those sheets outside of the folder into their own location, and have the existing views point to them, as well as the new views in the new folder, as well as a new folder next year, and the year after etc etc.

My question is, if I move those sheets to an alternative folder, will any links to those sheets break, or is smartsheet intelligent enough to know the sheets have moved and make sure links are amended to remain intact.

If you're referring to cell links within formulas or URL links to the sheets, you're good. Each sheet has a unique identifier that doesn't change when the sheet is renamed, moved around in, out, or between folders or workspaces. Just make sure the permissions remain intact. Moving a sheet between workspaces will change permissions on the sheet to match those of the new workspace, unless the sheet itself has been shared apart from the workspace. Make sense?

Creates a shortcut to the provided Drive item ID and resource key, and returns it. A resourcekey is an additional parameter that needs to be passed to access the target file or folder thathas been shared using a link.

Drive requires a resource key to access some files or folders that have been shared using alink. This change is part of a security update. The update is turned on by default for eligiblefiles and folders. To turn the resource key requirement on or off for eligible files, usesetSecurityUpdateEnabled.

Gets whether this Folder requires a resource key for access when it'sshared using a link. This requirement is turned on by default for eligible files and folders.To turn the resource key requirement on or off for eligible files, use setSecurityUpdateEnabled.

Gets a collection of all files that are children of the current folder and match the given searchcriteria. The search criteria are detailed in the Google Drive SDK documentation. Note that the Driveservice uses v2 of the Drive API and some query fields differ from v3. Review the fielddifferences between v2 and v3.

Gets a collection of all folders that are children of the current folder and match the given searchcriteria. The search criteria are detailed in the Google Drive SDK documentation. Note that the Driveservice uses v2 of the Drive API and some query fields differ from v3. Review the fielddifferences between v2 and v3.

Removes the given file from the current folder. This method does not delete the file, butif a file is removed from all of its parents, it cannot be seen in Drive except by searchingfor it or using the "All items" view.

Removes the given folder from the current folder. This method does not delete the folderor its contents, but if a folder is removed from all of its parents, it cannot be seen in Driveexcept by searching for it or using the "All items" view. e24fc04721

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