The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The topwindow always shows a list of the currently active processes, includingthe names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed inthe bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: ifit is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected inthe top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'llsee the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that willquickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLsloaded.

The icons in File Explorer have been redesigned. They are flatter and simpler in design. The window border padding is thinner than previous versions. Windows 10 Creators Update and later versions come with a new Universal File Explorer (also known as the UWP File Explorer). Although hidden, it can be opened by creating a shortcut pointing to "explorer shell:AppsFolder\c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515_cw5n1h2txyewy!App" [48][49]

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In Windows 11, File Explorer had undergone significant UI changes with the Ribbon Interface simplified into a command bar. Translucency, shadows, and rounded geometry have also been added, following the Fluent Design System. In March 2022, Microsoft introduced adverts into the file explorer, but later stated that these were 'not intended to be published externally'[54] after significant negative media coverage.

Customize Azure Storage Explorer to meet your needs. For example, use the Azure Data Factory extension to move data from other cloud storage services, such as AWS S3, to Azure Storage. Add the Azure App Configuration extension to your storage explorer to manage your application settings and feature flags in one place.

When we open a folder in windows 10 with bunch of svg images, i have to open each of them individually to know what image that is. It would be great if we had support for preview all of these images in one go using Extra Large/Large Icons from the View folder menu.

did you get the svg files to show up as thumbnails? I've toggled the thumbnail settings in the folder view options, and the "Adjust the appearance and performance of windows" control panel, but no luck.

My employer uses dropbox as a shared drive, and has done so successfully for several years. However I've just started, and have run into an issue where many files are not openable via the windows file explorer folder.

I recently started using WSL2, and I've noticed that it starts running every time I open the file explorer in Windows. I'm guessing this is because WSL2 lets you access your Linux filesystem from the file explorer.

Is there some way to prevent this behaviour? I'd be fine not to have my Linux filesystem show up automatically in the file explorer. Thanks in advance, and my apologies if similar questions have been asked here before.

[edit] Windows + D sorta worked. It closes open Windows, and hitting it again restores what it closed. But if you Win+D and then open a program, hitting it again will close that program and only open the same program back up. 

But question was how to open all the Explorer windows, in the same manner you can close them all, by right-click on the taskbar icon. I want an Open All option on that menu. 

Essentially, I want to add functionality to the right-click menu.

Mostly, explorer doesn't seem to recognize SAS programs. The icon next to a program is generic. When I right-click on a program in an explorer window, it doesn't give me the option to open in SAS (if I try open-with, it batch-submits rather than opening a SAS session). I can't right-click within an empty folder and insert a new SAS program, either. None of these are preventing me from getting any work done, but they do introduce some inefficiencies.

Stupid question but I accidentally moved object explorer from it's original default position on SSMS. By default, object explorer is to the left, and query window is to the right. Now object explorer seems to have been "undocked" and query window occupies the screen from left to right, such that if I open a new query it opens "behind" object explorer. How do I restore the original "default" view in SSMS?

Just grab the Object Explorer windows and drag it until a blue cross appears. Continue dragging the window and point your mouse at the different points of the cross. This will display a greenish highlight within SSMS to show where the window will dock. When you have the one you want, let go of the mouse button.

Just open SQL server management studio. On the menu bar, select Window, then Reset Window Layout. This will place object explorer to its original position. But bear in mind that, this will reset all your settings to the default if you have any!!!

Hey, thanks a lot for this - definitely not a stupid question as it just saved me when my undocked windows had their title bars off the top of the screen after I changed from home working to the office and all the screen sizes are different - the Window -> Reset Window Layout is perfect so I can start again.

The PDF Shell component in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader allows you to see the thumbnails of PDF documents in Windows explorer, on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. By default, this feature is OFF. You can enable it using a specific setting available in the preferences.

I have the same issue, I uploaded a video file through windows explorer (the installed app with the mounted drive) and it permanently corrupted the file, even if I download it back by the other provided means (thru web browser, or even with the portable app)

The reason behind the existence of the Windows File Explorer is that the developers FreeSoftLabs wanted an alternative to the current Windows explorer function that comes into action when users sort view add or remove files.

Many private users may figure &quotWhat is the point&quot in making such seemingly minor changes to the file explorer. Others may like the minor changes and welcome the software. However it is professional persons who use and sort files regularly on a Windows desktop device that will really appreciate the Windows File Explorer. It allows for a level of process streamlining and sorting that is simply not available at the moment.

Though any of these options will require some scripting to fetch/open a file (not a "link") or require writing custom application which will process custom URL scheme (say "myapp://", e.g. like described here -do-i-register-a-custom-url-protocol-in-windows).

and what if, for example, there are two tabs with the same name, is it possible to look at the activity somehow?

I want to explain why I need it

I want to use the windows context menu to call the program and have it immediately pick up the selected files

However, when opening a file from the file explorer, either by the 'open-with' dialog on the link or by associating it with the link , emacs does create a new frame only if none exists at the moment. If a frame is already open every file I open after that gets opened in this frame, displaying the buffer of this file instead of the file buffer that was shown before. ff782bc1db

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