
NOTE: Being a facilitator is a big, difficult job that requires attempting to control a potentially loud and unruly group of a lot of people. More preparation is needed than for almost all the other people attending the meeting. Please only express interest in being a facilitator if you are willing to put in the preparation work and feel you would be good at it.

The facilitators basically emcee the meeting, making sure to get through the items on the agenda smoothly. Facilitators are elected by the Floor for a four-month term. The four current facilitators are Robert Garcia, David Robinson, Karl Soehnlein, and Liz Tracey. Normally, two of the four facilitators run any one meeting. Tonight, though, Karl is stepping down temporarily as facilitator to recover from injuries from a recent mugging. So just for tonight each of the facilitators will co-run half the meeting in pairs, and a new facilitator will be elected. 

The facilitators should arrive at 7pm at the latest to review the agenda with the Administrator (Jason Heffner). Here is a link to facilitator instructions to go through at the beginning of the meeting.

At the meeting